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25 years Ayurveda Academy in Birstein

with raffle

Ernährungscoach Gemüse

25 years European academy for Ayurveda, if this is no reason to celebrate: On 5 May the rose mountain Ayurveda academy in Birstein celebrates its establishment 25 years ago. Since then, more than 20,000 people have visited the Ayurveda competence center in the idyllic Spessart region to participate in seminars, training courses or cures.

We take our anniversary as an opportunity to look back - at the common fascination for Ayurveda and Yoga, the personal stories of our participants and the unique moments and encounters during the study of Ayurvedic healing.

We will stream the keynote speeches live for you on Facebook " and Instagram at @rosenberg.ayurveda on May 5 starting at 6:00 pm.

"Ayurveda has changed my life".

Share your experiences and stories from the European Academy of Ayurveda and tell us how Ayurveda has changed your life*.

All contributors will receive a gift as a "thank you" and will be entered into a drawing for a weekend seminar with room and board in Birstein.

Please include your full name and address.

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