Ayurveda Research

Scientific work at the academy

The Rosenberg Gesellschaft gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda has been involved in studies for the scientific research of Ayurveda medicine for more than 10 years. International cooperation plays a decisive role in this.

University partners for Ayurveda research

Cooperation agreements with leading Ayurveda universities and institutions in India and Europe reflect the international network and the scientific cooperation associated with it. The following institutions may be mentioned here:

  • Endowed Professorship for Clinical Naturopathy at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Prof. Andreas Michalsen).
  • All India Institute for Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH (Delhi)
  • J.S. Ayurveda College / P.D. Patel Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad (Nadiad, India)
  • Riga Medical University (Latvia)
  • Middlesex University London (UK)
  • Gujarat Ayurved University (Jamnagar)
  • Banares Hindu University (Varanasi)
  • Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (Delhi)
  • Maharashtra University for Health Sciences (India)

How effective is Ayurveda?

Evidence for medical effectiveness from different fields

A research cooperation with the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (Delhi), under the Indian Federal Ministry of AYUSH and the Endowed Chair for Clinical Naturopathy at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Berlin (D), enabled one of the most extensive clinical studies on Ayurvedic medicine on European soil. The European Academy of Ayurveda acted as co-initiator and competence partner.

This groundbreaking study on knee joint arthrosis is significant because it pursued a comprehensive research approach in the sense of "Whole Medical System Research" and compared a traditional Ayurvedic therapy with the conventional therapy approach of Western medicine.

Titled "Effectiveness of an Ayurveda treatment approach in knee osteoarthritis - a randomized controlled trial", the study was published in the international journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 26 (2018) 620-630.

Publications on Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a recognized and widely used system of medicine in India with an unbroken history of tradition and increasing popularity worldwide. In the modern medical world, however, every type of therapy requires evidence-based proof of benefit in order to gain recognition in the international research community.

The database dhara online currently contains more than 9,000 publications on Ayurveda. More than 5,800 publications can be found via Pubmed.

In recent years, research dynamics and international cooperation in the field of Ayurveda have increased. This system of medicine is thus increasingly coming into the focus of the scientific world, so it seems sensible and necessary to intensify these research efforts with high-quality projects and publications.

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte in der Ayurveda-Medizin

Gefördert von der Europäischen Akademie für Ayurveda

Western medicinal herbs in Ayurvedic medicine

Study in the field of phytotherapy (Prof. Dr. Tanuja Nesari, Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede, Dr. med. Christian Rackwitz, Dr. Shivani Ghildiyal MD (Ayu), Dr. Prasanth Dharmarajan MD (Ayu), Dr. med. Kalyani Nagersheth)

The Ayurvedic view of the pharmacological effects of plants follows logically comprehensible criteria and can therefore be applied not only to Indian herbs but also to Westernmedicinal plants. In order tocategorize these according toAyurvedic criteria, the Academy, together with the renowned All India Institute of Ayurveda in Delhi, has set up a research project.

The long-term goal is to increase theuse of native plants in Ayurvedic therapies in Europe in order to ensure a supply according to western quality standards, as well as to protect the Indian flora and environment through shorter transport routes. Plants from Germany are compared with Indian plants from the same plant family with regard to their ingredients. In this way, newmodes of action of plants growing in Europe can be researched. Ayurveda in India could also access an expanded spectrum of plants.

Online database for case reports

sACRo (series of Ayurveda Case Reports online) is a project of the Charité University Outpatient Clinic for Naturopathy at Immanuel Hospital Berlin, which actively accompanies and supports the European Academy of Ayurveda. The main aim of the project is to create a protected database in the sense of a case register for Ayurvedic medicine. Authorized Ayurveda experts will feed anonymous case reports into this register.

Evaluations of case series can serve as a basis for clinical studies. Equipped with differentiated search functions, the database also represents a valuable reference pool for Ayurvedic physicians and therapists in the treatment of complex clinical questions.

As a physician or alternative practitioner working with Ayurveda, you are cordially invited to participate in the development of the sACRo case database.

Master's theses

In the course of their Master of Science (MSc) degree in Ayurvedic Medicine, students of the Academy have produced exciting master theses, for example on the following topics:

  • Curcuma and its use in Ayurvedic medicine - Perspectives of untapped therapeutic potentials.
  • Retrospective analysis of Ayurvedic therapies for patients with Ama-Vata in a rheumatological practice
  • Treatment of osteoarthritis with Ayurveda and Yoga
  • Background, preparation and application of Rasa Shastra preparations in Ayurvedic medicine - a clinical randomized blind study (partially double-blind)
  • Placebo controlled trial of efficacy and concordance of raw powder Phyllanthus niruri and Sida cordifolia root decoction against aqueous / alcoholic extract capsules in patients with diabetic sensory peripheral polyneuropathy.
  • Integration of Ayurveda and dermatology in the treatment of psoriasis
  • Ayurvedic therapeutic concept in hypertension and hyperlipidemia
  • Ayurveda and back pain

Scientific Advisory Board of the Academy

The Scientific Advisory Board supports the European Academy of Ayurveda as a competent advisory body. On the one hand, it supervises the curricula of the training courses and the examination modalities. On the other hand, it plays a leading role in the Academy's research work.

Prof. Dr. S.N. Gupta


Chief Physician at P.D. Patel Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad and Professor at J.S. Ayurveda College

Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede

Director of Studies Ayurveda Medicine

Indologist, religious scholar

Christian Rackwitz, MD

Research Coordinator

Physician with additional qualification in emergency medicine, Medical Ayurveda Specialist (REAA)

Dr. med. Kalyani Nagersheth

Specialist in rehabilitative and physical therapy with additional qualifications in Ayurveda, medical psychotherapy and phytotherapy

Marco Lebbing

Specialist in general medicine and neurology, additional qualification in naturopathy

Studien unserer Experten & Dozenten

Parkinson's disease

Interventional Influence of the Intestinal Microbiome Through Dietary Intervention and Bowel Cleansing Might Improve Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease.

Interventional Influence of the Intestinal Microbiome Through Dietary Intervention and Bowel Cleansing Might Improve Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease.

Hegelmaier, Tobias & Lebbing, Marco & Duscha, Alexander & Tomaske, Laura & Tönges, Lars & Holm, Jacob & Nielsen, Henrik & Gatermann, Sören & Przuntek, Horst & Haghikia, Aiden.

Knee joint arthrosis II (main study)

Effectiveness of an Ayurveda treatment approach in knee osteoarthritis - a randomized controlled trial

Effectiveness of an Ayurveda treatment approach in knee osteoarthritis - a randomized controlled trial

Kessler, Christian & Dhiman, Kartar & Kumar, Abhimanyu & Ostermann, Thomas & Gupta, Shivenarain & Morandi, Antonio & Mittwede, Martin & Stapelfeldt, Elmar & Spoo, Michaela & Icke, Katja & Michalsen, Andreas & Witt, Claudia. (2018).

Knee joint arthrosis I (study design)

Comparative effectiveness of a complex Ayurvedic treatment and conventional standard care in osteoarthritis of the knee--study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Comparative effectiveness of a complex Ayurvedic treatment and conventional standard care in osteoarthritis of the knee--study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Witt, Claudia & Michalsen, Andreas & Roll, Stephanie & Morandi, Antonio & Gupta, Shivnarain & Rosenberg, Mark & Kronpaß, Ludwig& Stapelfeldt, Elmar& Hissar, Syed & Müller, Matthias & Kessler, Christian. (2013).

Cirrhosis of the liver

A Complex Multiherbal Regimen Based on Ayurveda Medicine for the Management of Hepatic Cirrhosis Complicated by Ascites: Nonrandomized, Uncontrolled, Single Group, Open-Label Observational Clinical Study.

A complex multi-herbal regimen based on Ayurvedic medicine for the management of hepatic cirrhosis complicated by ascites: Non-randomized, uncontrolled, single-group, open-label observational clinical study.

Manish V. Patel, Kalapi B. Patel, Shivenarain Gupta, Andreas Michalsen, Elmar Stapelfeldt, Christian S. Kessler

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on forty-three patients of ulcerative colitis

Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on 43 patients of ulcerative colitis

Patel MV, Patel KB, Gupta SN.

Chronic kidney disease stage IV to V

Deceleration of Disease Progress Through Ayurvedic Treatment in Nondialysis Stages IV-V Patients with Chronic Renal Failure: A Quasi-Experimental Clinical Pilot Study with One Group Pre- and Postdesign and Two Premeasurements

Slowing disease progression with Ayurvedic treatment in patients with stage IV-V chronic renal failure without dialysis: A quasi-experimental clinical pilot study with one group pre- and postdesign and two premeasurements

Mansi Patel, Manish Patel, Kalapi Patel, Manfred Wischnewsky, Elmar Stapelfeldt, Christian S. Kessler, Shive Narain Gupta

Chronic kidney failure due to diabetes mellitus

Effect of Ayurvedic management in 130 patients of diabetic nephropathy

Effect of Ayurvedic management in 130 patients of diabetic nephropathy

Patel K, Gupta SN, Shah N

Chronic kidney disease (other than diabetic nephropathy)

Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on 100 patients of chronic renal failure (other than diabetic nephropathy)

Effects of Ayurvedic treatment on 100 patients of chronic renal failure (other than diabetic nephropathy)

Patel MV, Gupta SN, Patel NG


The Rosenberg European Academy of Ayurveda - Quality in Ayurvedic education in German-speaking Europe

The Rosenberg European Academy of Ayurveda - Quality in Ayurvedic education in German-speaking Europe

Mark Rosenberg


The European Academy of Ayurveda: 20 years of Ayurvedic education in Germany

The European Academy of Ayurveda: 20 years of Ayurvedic education in Germany

Mark Rosenberg

How you can support science

Donations for Ayurveda research

An Ayurveda research fund of the European Academy of Ayurveda (REAA) in cooperation with the VEAT (Association of European Ayurveda Physicians and Therapists) serves to finance Ayurveda studies in Europe. The aim is to help Ayurvedic medicine gain more scientific recognition in the West.

Donation account Rosenberg gGmbH, IBAN DE20 5075 0094 0007 0088 85, Kreisspk. Gelnhausen (HELADEF1GEL) Intended purpose: Research fund

International Ayurveda Symposium

Congress for Ayurvedic doctors, therapists and consultants. Get fresh impulses for your practice from experts from India and Europe.

Study of Ayurvedic Medicine

Well-founded knowledge for doctors, alternative practitioners and medical professions, aligned with the standards of Indian universities. A 30-day basic and main course each depict Ayurveda as a complex medical system, supplemented by clinical internships. The most thorough way to study Ayurveda in Europe!

Continuing Medical Education

A program especially for doctors who want to use Ayurveda as a complementary medicine. The advanced training comprises 30 days. So far, about 140 CME points could be acquired.