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Info evening for medical professionals in Berlin on October 18

Ayurveda lecture evening with Prof. Dr. Gupta

Ayurveda Symposium SN Gupta

Lecture and info meeting on Ayurveda medicine.

How can doctors, alternative practitioners and medical professionals use Ayurveda as a complementary medicine in their daily practice? This topic is the focus of a free evening event of the European Academy of Ayurveda.

An evening with Ayurveda: Learn in a lively lecture by Prof. Dr. Gupta how Ayurveda can increase your quality of life and what possibilities there are to go deeper into the subject at the European Academy of Ayurveda. This will be followed by detailed information for all those interested about the procedure and curriculum of the advanced training in Ayurveda medicine for physicians as well as about the study of Ayurveda medicine at the European Academy of Ayurveda.

All interested doctors, alternative practitioners and members of medical professions are cordially invited (pre-registration requested).