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German Ayurveda Foundation established

The foundation was initiated in May 2024 – a milestone for Ayurveda in Germany. The European Academy for Ayurveda is involved.

The German Ayurveda Foundation („Deutsche Ayurveda-Stiftung“) was officially launched with the signing of the statutes on 6 May 2024. The foundation aims to help Ayurveda gain more recognition and visibility in Germany. It promotes the perception of Ayurveda as an effective traditional medical system and promotes scientific research in this field.

Goals and tasks of the foundation

The establishment of the German Ayurveda Foundation is a joint project of nine member organisations of the Ayurveda Dachverband Deutschland e.V. (ADAVED), the German umbrella association for Ayurveda. These organisations have joined forces to initiate projects worthy of support and to generate the necessary donations and funding. The European Academy for Ayurveda is also involved as a donor and is a member of the board of trustees.

Planned projects and activities

The German Ayurveda Foundation pursues key objectives such as the promotion of science, research and education as well as public health. In order to achieve these goals, various measures have been defined, including

  • the support of research projects
  • the awarding of scholarships
  • the promotion of Ayurveda-related education and health projects and
  • public relations work and health education in the field of Ayurveda

Specifically, the foundation plans to raise awareness of Ayurveda through grassroots work, for example through lectures in kindergartens, schools or retirement homes. Another important goal is to finance research projects. With its donated capital, the foundation will supplement the work of the ADAVED, which will administer the foundation on a fiduciary basis.

Questions and further information can be obtained from the ADAVED office management:


Founding members of the German Ayurveda Foundation

Professional Association of Yoga and Ayurveda Therapists (BYAT)
German Medical Association for Ayurveda Medicine e. V. (DÄGAM)
German Society for Ayurveda e. V. (DGA)
European Academy for Ayurveda - Rosenberg gGmbH
Sun and Moon Health Centre
Immanuel Hospital GmbH
Maharishi Ayurveda Health and Seminar Centre Bad Ems GmbH
Association of European Ayurveda Physicians and Therapists (VEAT)
vidya sagar Academy for Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy
Ayurveda Dachverband Deutschland e.V. (ADAVED)