Asparagus with ayurvedic hollandaise, potato cakes and melon chutney

Recipe from the Ayurveda kitchen in Birstein by Kerstin Rosenberg


Asparagus with Ayurvedic Hollandaise



500 g fresh, white asparagus

1 lemon

1 teaspoon whole cane sugar

½ tsp salt

2 slices of ginger


For the hollandaise

500 ml asparagus stock

4 tablespoons rice flakes

2-3 saffron threads

¼ tsp turmeric

2 tablespoons ghee

a little salt



1. peel the asparagus. Put the peels in a pot with water (at least 2 liters or more)and boil it together with 1 lemon (quartered), whole cane sugar, 1 slice of ginger and some salt for about 30 minutes. Drain and collect the asparagus stock.

2. Use 500 ml of the asparagus stock for the Ayurvedic hollandaise: Pour the stock into a small pot and simmer the rice flakes in it. After 20 minutes, add the spices and the ghee and puree the sauce finely with a blender. Add a little salt if necessary. 3.

In the meantime, cook the peeled asparagus in the remaining asparagus stock for about 15 minutes until tender. 4.

Serve the finished asparagus with the light sauce with boiled potatoes or potato cakes (see below).


Potato cakes



200 g potatoes

1/2 tbsp. cornflour

1/2 tsp cumin

¼ tsp mixed fenugreek seeds

1 MS chili powder

1 slice ginger root

1/4 green pepper

fresh coriander greens


3 tbsp ghee



Peel, wash and quarter the potatoes. Boil them for 5 minutes in salted water, drain and cool. 2.

Finely grind or chop all the spices and ingredients. Roughly grate the pre-cooked potatoes and mix with the spices and cornflour. Season to taste with salt.

Form small patties (approx. 1 cm thick and 5 cm wide) from the potato and spice mixture and place them on a plate for another 15 minutes.

Heat the ghee in a non-stick frying pan and fry the potato cakes over a medium heat until crispy brown on both sides.

Preparation time: 35 minutes


Melon Chutney



½ melon (like honeydew melon or netted melon)

1/2 tsp chili powder

1/4 tsp turmeric

¼ tsp coriander, gem.

1/4 tsp ginger powder

1 MS allspice, gem.

½ tsp mustard seeds

¼ tsp rock salt1

Star anise, whole

1 tbsp. sesame oil


1 lemon

2 tablespoons brown sugar



Peel the melon, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into 3 cm cubes. 2.

Put half of the melon pieces into the blender and puree finely. Add the chili powder, turmeric, coriander, ginger, allspice and salt and blend briefly. 3.

Heat the sesame oil in a saucepan and fry the mustard seeds and star anise briefly. After a few seconds, add the melon puree. Reduce the heat, simmer gently for 5 minutes and stir in the sugar. 4.

Add the melon pieces and lemon juice, stir gently and bring to the boil once. Then leave to infuse over a low heat for 3 - 4 minutes. Stir the chutney carefully to distribute the spice without the melon pieces falling apart completely.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

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