Ayurveda on bread: Healthy spreads

Recipes from the Ayurveda kitchen in Birstein by Dag Weinmann


Quickly made and delicious

With these bread spreads finger food becomes a healthy pleasure.


Green spelt-pumpkin seed spread


100g green spelt, coarsely ground

300ml vegetable stock

100g pumpkin seeds, roasted and ground

approx. 50 ml soy sauce

100g soft butter

1-2 tbsp marjoram, salt and pepper


Cook the green spelt in the vegetable stock until soft and then leave it. Then mix with the remaining ingredients and blend in a blender until creamy. Season to taste with salt, soy sauce and pepper.


Eggplant olive spread


1-2 eggplants, cooked in the oven or pot until soft

2 tablespoons tahini

1 handful of olives black pepper

1-2 tsp paprika, sweet

some olive oil

herb salt


Mix ready-cooked eggplant with remaining ingredients and puree in blender until creamy.


Paprika Feta Spread


2 red peppers, diced

2 onions, diced

2 garlic cloves

200g feta

150g butter, soft

1 tsp herb salt

1⁄2 tsp chili

1-2 tsp paprika powder, noble sweet


some olive oil


Saute peppers, onion and garlic in olive oil until soft and then let cool. Then mix with the remaining ingredients and puree in a blender until creamy.


Pumpkin seed tofu spread


200g smoked tofu

200g pumpkin seeds

1-2 tbsp. mustard

1-2 tsp herbal salt


50ml olive oil



Grind pumpkin seeds in a food processor, then add tofu mustard, salt, pepper and olive oil and blend. Gradually add water to make a creamy mixture.


Sweet fig butter


200g figs, cut and soaked

250g soft butter

approx. 2-3 tbsp vanilla sugar


Mix the soaked figs with the butter and vanilla sugar. Add a little of the fig soaking water so that the mixture becomes creamy.

Ein Leben in Balance mit der ayurvedischen Ernährung

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