Gregor's Pumpkin Walnut Pie

Recipe from the Ayurveda kitchen in Birstein by Gregor von Holdt.


This delicious cake recipe is also suitable for vegans. Tastes great with vanilla sauce!



2 cups yogurt (or soy yogurt).

2 cups cane sugar

300 g pumpkin

5 cups spelt flour

2/3 cups water

1 cup walnuts

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

2 tsp tartar baking powder

½ tsp nutmeg powder

1 tsp allspice powder

1 tsp cardamom powder

½ tsp clove powder



1. grate the pumpkin. Knead it with all the other ingredients to form a dough. 2.

Spread the ingredients on a baking tray coated with ghee (or sunflower oil) and bake at 160-170 °degrees for 1 hour.

Preparation time: 75 minutes

Ein Leben in Balance mit der ayurvedischen Ernährung

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