Stuffed parsnips

Winter recipe

Recipe from the Ayurveda Kitchen


A great winter recipe from our freshly printed recipe book "The NEW Ayurveda Kitchen"....



2 medium parsnips

2 carrots

1/2 Hokkaido pumpkin

1 onion

2 MS black pepper

1 tsp fenugreek

2 tsp ghee

1/2 tsp asafoetida

1/2 tsp cumin, ground

fresh parsley

a squeeze of lemon juice and fresh ginger, grated to taste



1. clean the parsnips well, cut them in half and hollow them out, place them in an ovenproof dish and cook in the oven at 150°C for about 1.5 hours until soft.

Finely chop the hollowed out parsnips, onion and parsley leaves and stems (keep a few parsley leaves for decoration). Dice the carrots and pumpkin. 3.

Heat a pan with ghee, lightly toast spices and add finely chopped onion, pumpkin, carrots and parsnip contents and brown. Deglaze with water and simmer gently for about 30 minutes.

Puree the vegetables and season to taste with a little lemon juice and fresh ginger.

Remove the parsnip halves from the oven, fill with the puree and decorate with parsley.


Good luck and bon appétit!

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