Pinda and Shiro - stamp massages, oil pours and head treatments

Learn the special curative treatments of Ayurveda

In this intensive practical seminar, you will learn everything you need for curative and clinical Ayurveda therapy: From the effective Pinda Sveda treatments - massages with warm gauze bags filled with special mixtures of herbs, rice or lemon and coconut - to the professional execution of the Shirodhara oil head massage - you can shine with these treatments in any Ayurveda treatment.
Another therapeutic highlight are the oil treatments for the sensory organs - such as Nasya (nasal oiling), Akshi Nehatarpana (eye bath), Karna-Purana (ear enema), which are used in Ayurveda to strengthen the nervous system and treat vata-related illnesses.

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Further information


- Pinda sveda - theory, practice and guided practice of massage techniques with the traditional herbal bag and draining lemon-coconut bag (Sastik Sali, Jambira)
- Shastika Pinda sveda - indication, contraindication and demonstration of nourishing rice bags
- Shirodhara: Theory, practice and guided practice of Ayurvedic oil forehead casting
- Nasya, Akshi Nehatarpana, Karna-Purana - Indication, contraindication and guided practice of oiling the sensory organs and head
- Shirobasti - Indication, contraindication and demonstration of therapeutic head treatment

For whom?

Ayurveda practitioners, therapists, physicians and anyone who can apply basic knowledge of Ayurvedic massage


Porträt Leini Siebenaller
Léini Siebenaller

Price info

Seminar fee from € 570

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:
Garshan and Pristha - Ayurvedic dry and back massage and Abhyanga - Ayurvedic full body massage

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs presence

from € 570
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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