IHK certificate course: Ayurveda health coach

  • Be even more successful with an IHK certificate - a door opener for cooperation with companies

  • Open up new, innovative business areas in the field of prevention and health management.

  • Develop your own business idea with Ayurveda and/or yoga - and be successful!

What makes the Ayurveda and yoga market tick? And what does it take to get off to a really successful start here?

Many people who have completed an Ayurveda or yoga training course ask themselves these questions. And this is exactly where the recognized further training concept of the European Academy for Ayurveda in cooperation with the Hanau Chamber of Industry and Commerce comes in: The certificate course for Ayurveda Health Coach (IHK) or Yoga Health Coach is the first IHK-certified further training course for success strategies, health management and corporate prevention with Ayurveda and yoga.

Under the guidance of experienced health coach and business trainer Win Silvester, you will be given the right tools to turn your vocation into a successful business idea - from the design of the offer to the business plan and marketing. Tried-and-tested concepts for health promotion, stress reduction and burnout prevention will expand your knowledge and portfolio for sustainable health services for your own practice or holistic business coaching with yoga and Ayurveda.

Learning objectives

This course provides you with a sound basis for setting up your successful (partial) self-employment with Ayurveda.

- You will receive a systematic guide to setting up your self-employment with Ayurveda.
- Numerous checklists will help you to keep track and take all business aspects into account.
- You will learn to translate your business idea into concrete products and services and present them professionally.
- Together we will develop your customer avatars, your branding and your first marketing strategy.


This further training course is designed for all those who have a basic training in Ayurveda or yoga. With a certificate course offered by the European Academy for Ayurveda in cooperation with the IHK Hanau, you will acquire a valuable additional qualification as an

  • Ayurveda health coach (IHK) - for participants with at least 150 hours of previous Ayurveda knowledge
  • Yoga Health Coach (IHK) - for participants with at least 200 hours of yoga teacher training


The one-week IHK certificate course

  • takes place in small groups and can be completed online or as an on-site course .
  • prepares you for successful completion with a varied course design consisting of lectures, presentations, group work, role plays and project work.
  • starts with the weekend seminar "Corporate health management with Ayurveda and yoga", which can also be booked individually as an introduction.
  • concludes with a project presentation to a committee of the IHK Hanau.


My start into (partial) self-employment with Ayurveda
- Dharma - Artha - Kama & Moksha: Develop your vision in line with your needs and values
- Income streams and opportunities: Learn about different opportunities and find your optimal cash flow mix
- Business or freelance? Small business owner or GmbH founder? GEMA - GEZ and liability: We provide you with an overview for initial orientation
- Business Model Canvas: Important factors for a successful start-up at a glance
- Numerous checklists guide you step by step through all the relevant steps
- And lots of inspiration and courage for your Ayurveda business

Marketing & sales concepts for your Ayurveda business
- Intensive brand positioning
- Detailed definition of your customer avatars
- Creating your customer journey
- Successful and professional presentations
- Individual success strategies for offline marketing and social media

From vision to implementation: Ayurveda Business & Vocation
We accompany you individually and intensively on your path to (partial) self-employment. In discussions and under the professional supervision of experienced business coach Win Silvester, you will clarify the following questions, among others:

- What is your vision, your calling?
- What is your business idea?
- What do your specific products and services look like?
- How do you acquire your first customers and how do you build long-term customer relationships?
- What could your start in (partial) self-employment look like?

Further topics:
- Type-appropriate success strategies according to the Ayurvedic theory of constitution
- Sharpening your own Ayurveda company profile incl. unique selling proposition (USP), opportunity/risk analysis, profit and loss account,
- Positioning and marketing strategy

Ayurveda and yoga in business: Meet the major challenges of our time with Ayurvedic measures:

- Health and Work 4.0 (BGM & BGF)
- Ayurvedic nutrition in the workplace, brain food, etc.
- Digitalization and health
- Demographic change
- Stress management & resilience
- Preparation of offers analogous to the prevention guidelines of the health insurance companies & cooperation possibilities

Successful with Ayurveda - Professional strategies for your business
Success concepts for your practice:
- Customer acquisition & conversation management in business acquisition
- Sales of Ayurveda products & affiliate marketing
- Best practice examples from various areas relating to Ayurveda & yoga

Successful presentation & public speaking: role plays and practical exercises on all areas relevant to your practice, including a.
- Self-confident appearance in the start-up phase
- Professional self-presentation & elevator pitch
- Competently conducting information, consulting and sales talks
- Mastering objection handling and complaint management with confidence

Preparation for the final presentation to the IHK

Final presentation IHK


Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg
Win Silvester Porträt
Win Silvester


Training fee from € 1,439

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Method of payment

Deposit € 250

Final payment

a) In one lump sum no later than one month before the start of the training (immediately for eLearning modules so that we can activate your eSeminars immediately.)
b) As an option for participants from Germany and Austria, we also offer payment in installments. You can find your individual installment plan (depending on the duration of your training) in the booking process. Payment (direct debit) of the monthly installments is made on the 1st of each month, starting from the month of the start of the training booked here, for eAcademy modules immediately. If the training begins with eAcademy modules, the activation is provisionally carried out immediately after receipt of the down payment, regularly after receipt of the first monthly installment.


Rosenberg gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda | DE - 63633 Birstein

For whom?

Especially recommended for
Ayurveda nutritionists and therapists who
- would like support on their path to (partial) self-employment.
- who want to round off their qualification with a certificate from a public institution (IHK).
- who want to gain a foothold in corporate health management.

This further training course is designed for all those who have a basic training in Ayurveda or are still in training.
With this certificate course, which is offered by the European Academy for Ayurveda in cooperation with the Hanau Chamber of Industry and Commerce, you will acquire a valuable additional qualification as an

- Ayurveda Health Coach (IHK) - for participants with at least 150 hours of previous Ayurveda knowledge.

More info

Stress all along the line? Kerstin Rosenberg gives recommendations on how to regain your inner peace and cope better with the demands of everyday life.

Articles in the Infothek
Ayurveda against stress

Book recommendation
from the AyurMed online store
With Ayurveda against stress

Learning checks and project presentation

This course does not contain any learning checks. All content and everything you work on as part of the course is used directly for the practical implementation of your business idea.

A project presentation in front of an IHK committee is required to receive the IHK certificate. Here you present the business idea you have developed and receive valuable feedback from the IHK experts to ensure your success.

At a glance



Required prior knowledge:
Basic knowledge of Ayurveda or yoga. For the acquisition of an IHK certificate: Ayurveda nutritionist, therapist.


Optional: IHK certificate as an "Ayurveda health coach (IHK)"

130 learning hours* à 60 min.
-> 4 Modules (see below) + Learning assignments = 130 hrs

Standard period of study 4-6 months

Learning forms/hours (per module):
e.g. 45 learning hrs of which
22,5 hrs presence (3 days)
25 learning hrs (10 e-lessons in free time management with hrs live webinar)

Blended learning:
Maximum 3 of 4 modules as e-learning
Maximum 2 of 4 modules as live webinar

Training fee from € 1.439
Parts of the training already completed will be credited: see prices

plus accommodation and meals, if applicable

* Learning hours = total number of didactically accompanied and supervised learning hours learning hours incl. lessons, prepared exercises, guided learning or guided practical exercises, learning checks practice, learning checks either online or face-to-face or in self-study.

Get advice

How to start your training as a IHK certificate course: Ayurveda health coach

Do you want it to be as simple as possible? Then let us suggest what a complete training plan could look like. Choose one of the following sample plans that suits you best. Of course, you can change each individual date afterwards to suit you best.

Still have questions? We'll design your training plan together!

In a study consultation, we can briefly clarify the best time for you to start, which form of learning is best for you and whether we can perhaps take into account your existing prior knowledge. Together we will find the right training program for you. Book your individual training consultation by phone +49 (0)6054-91 310 or simply online.

Your individual choice of dates

None of our ready-made sample plans appeal to you? Then you can also put together your own individual plan below.

Select by yourself

Basic modules

My start into (partial) self-employment with Ayurveda

10 lessons

Marketing & sales concepts for your Ayurveda business

12 lessons

From vision to implementation: Ayurveda business & vocation

3 days 3 days

Advanced modules

Attendance of at least 1 basic module is recommended in advance

Successful with Ayurveda - professional strategies for your business

2 days 2 days

Competence modules

Only recommended towards the end of training

Final presentation IHK

Introductory seminars

Just get started...

First get a taste, then decide - all seminars can be credited towards later training