Ayurveda chef

Discover the secrets of Ayurvedic cuisine

  • Develop your practical cooking skills and compose Ayurvedic menus for every season to suit your type

  • Transform Ayurvedic principles into creative enjoyment - at Ayurveda cooking courses, cures and seminars or simply for yourself

Presence Live webinar eLearning
234 Learning hours from € 3.090
from € 3.090 234 Learning hours

First overview



Required prior knowledge:
Practical experience and enjoyment of cooking


Examination with qualification: Certified Ayurveda chef

294 learning hours* à 60 min.
-> 5 Modules (see below) + Learning assignments = 234 hrs
-> 1 modules internship 60 hrs

Standard period of study 8-12 months

Learning forms/hours (per module):
e.g. 45 learning hrs of which
22,5 hrs presence (3 days)
e.g. 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs
live-webinar (3 days)
45 learning hrs (42 e-lessons in free time management with 5 hrs live webinar)

Blended learning:
Maximum 5 of 5 modules as e-learning
Maximum 4 of 5 modules as live webinar

Training fee from € 3.090
Parts of the training already completed will be credited: see prices

plus examination fee € 100

plus accommodation and meals, if applicable

* Learning hours = total number of didactically accompanied and supervised learning hours learning hours incl. lessons, prepared exercises, guided learning or guided practical exercises, learning checks practice, learning checks either online or face-to-face or in self-study.

Get advice

I would like to find out more about the training

Creativity and joy in cooking and enjoyment: Get to know the Ayurvedic art of cooking in all its diversity and createdelicious recipes for more health, joie de vivre and healing of body and mind.

In traditional Ayurveda, cooks are referred to as alchemists of life energy. And even today, expert Ayurvedic chefs know about the healing power of food, spices and preparation methods and use these in a pleasurable way with creative culinary art.

You too can learn how to apply the facets of Ayurvedic cuisine in practice. The special feature of our Ayurveda chef training is its integration into Western, nutrition-conscious dietetics: the dishes are prepared according to Ayurvedic principles, but do not have to be typically Indian in their taste and style. Instead, you will learn to develop your own recipes and create an enjoyable synthesis of traditional Indian, Mediterranean and therapeutic cuisine.

Who is the training intended for?

Especially recommended for:

  • Hobby and professional chefs
  • Oecothrophologists and dieticians
  • Ayurveda nutritionists who would also like to work as Ayurveda seminar chefs or cooking course instructors

How is the training structured?

The Ayurveda chef training comprises four theory modules, intensive practical training with a 5-day Ayurveda cooking school and an internship.

The theory blocks of Ayurveda basics, nutrition and spice theory can be completed as an online course at the Rosenberg eAcademy (max. 50%) or as a classroom course at our locations:

  • Ayurveda basic course: Concepts and disease factors ABK
  • Ayurveda basic course: constitution and medicine ABH
  • Ayurveda nutrition according to type AEI
  • Spices, herbs and oils in Ayurveda APH

The Ayurveda Cooking School takes place as a 5-day intensive course in Birstein or as 5 x 1-day cooking courses at our locations in Austria or Switzerland.

The training concludes with a 6-day kitchen internship with integrated practical examination in the certified organic Ayurveda kitchen of the Rosenberg Ayurveda Academy and Spa Center in Birstein.


Postgraduate studies

Many of our students extend their training as an Ayurveda chef with just one further training module


Your path to graduation

Title Days Attendance time Total learning hours


Ayurveda cook training




2 Internship (incl. REAA final examination: written preparation of an Ayurveda menu plan and practical preparation of an Ayurveda menu).
Since 15.03.2022, the internship is only possible with proof of Covid-19 vaccination or recovery.




Certified Ayurveda chef
23 172,5 250

The contents in detail

Type-appropriate Ayurvedic nutrition
- General rules of Ayurvedic nutrition
- Individual adjustment of food to the constitution and metabolism
- 8 factors of nutrition, 6 tastes, 4 forms, 12 food groups
- Recognizing type-appropriate Agni conditions, including tongue observation
- Design Ayurvedic menus and food plans according to the chronobiological biological clock
- Type-specific recommendations for dosha balancing and Agni strengthening

Ayurveda basics: Concepts and disease factors
- Introduction to the history and philosophy of Ayurveda
- Essential features and literature of Ayurveda
- Traditional Ayurvedic medicine versus modern science
- Five elements (panca-mahabhuta)
- Nature of the human being: Differentiation of body, mind and soul
- Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of Ayurveda
- Functional components: doshas (classification, properties, functions, seats) and agnis (classification, function, states)
- Structural components: dhatus, upadhatus , malas and srotas
- Process of tissue formation (dhatu-parinama)
- Definition of health (svastha)
- Causes (hetu) of health and physical and mental diseases
- Process of etiopathogenesis (samprapti)
- Stages of etiopathogenesis (six kriyakala)

Ayurveda basics: Constitution and medicine
- Concept of constitution (prakrti) in theory and practice
- Symptomatology: symptoms of dhatus, malas and srotas
- Introductory diagnostics: models of patient examination (rogi-pariksha): three-fold, six-fold and eight-fold examination
- Health maintenance (svasthavrtta) in Ayurveda: Daily routine measures (dinacarya) and seasonal recommendations (rtucarya)
- Introduction to Ayurvedic nutrition, general dietary rules, Ayurvedic food science
- Disease treatment in Ayurveda: Basic therapeutic approaches
- Introduction to the concept of internal cleansing (pancakarma)

Spices, herbs and oils in Ayurveda
- Basics of Ayurvedic spice and herb teachings (Dravyaguna)
- Classification of spices Balancing the psyche (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) to balance doshas, constitution and digestion (Agni)
- Type-appropriate and practical use of spices in everyday life to improve food tolerance (Karana)
- Detailed discussion of 21 selected Ayurvedic spices according to their properties and qualities
- Detailed discussion of 12 selected Ayurvedic herbs according to their properties and qualities - Detailed discussion of 12 selected Ayurvedic spices according to their properties and qualities - Detailed discussion of 12 selected Ayurvedic herbs according to their properties and qualitiesherbs according to their properties and qualities
- Detailed discussion of 13 selected Ayurveda oils according to their properties and qualities

The great Ayurveda cooking school
- Ayurveda cooking techniques: Roasting and cooking methods, harmonizing menu components, preparation of dal, rice, vegetables, soups, chutney and spreads
- Practice of creative Ayurveda cooking for all constitutional types and seasons
- Ayurveda healing food and special diets: Panchakarma cuisine, recipe variations for food intolerances and for vegans
- Type-appropriate recipes and creations for the three main meals, concept for Ayurveda menus and buffets
- Kitchen management and quantity calculation for spa and seminar catering

NEW: The cooking school online: 5 x 1 day webinar: You can view dates here:

Who teaches me?

Dr. Shivenarain Gupta Porträt
Prof. Dr. Shivenarain Gupta
Porträt Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker
Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg
Porträt Theresa Rosenberg
Theresa Sita Rosenberg
Prof Dr. Martin Mittwede
Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede
Udo Schneider
Udo Schneider
Stefanie Dellinger
Porträt Brigitte Ferencz
Brigitte Ferencz

How much does the Ayurveda training cost?

Training fee from € 3,090

plus examination fee € 100
less discount for payment in one sum in advance € 50

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Method of payment

Deposit € 500

Final payment

a) In one lump sum no later than one month before the start of the training (immediately for eLearning modules so that we can activate your eSeminars immediately.)
b) As an option for participants from Germany and Austria, we also offer payment in installments. You can find your individual installment plan (depending on the duration of your training) in the booking process. Payment (direct debit) of the monthly installments is made on the 1st of each month, starting from the month of the start of the training booked here, for eAcademy modules immediately. If the training begins with eAcademy modules, the activation is provisionally carried out immediately after receipt of the down payment, regularly after receipt of the first monthly installment.


Rosenberg gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda | DE - 63633 Birstein

Learning checks and exams

During this training, you demonstrate in the following ways that you have internalized the knowledge from this course:

  • Learning checks: Each module ends with a learning check to assure you and us that you have achieved the learning objectives. It contains 20 multiple choice questions and must be passed with at least 70%. You can take the learning check a maximum of three times. The exam consists of 3 parts.
  • Qualification test in the digital learning platform: 8 questions on Ayurveda nutrition and kitchen practice await you. You have two attempts to answer the questions.
  • Practical exam: During the practical exam, you will independently create and cook a lunch menu and present it to guests.
  • Final written paper: A presentation on the basics of Ayurveda nutrition and the cooking course (2 pages) as well as a thorough elaboration and detailed explanation of your Ayurveda menu (approx. 6 pages) The final examination is considered passed if all parts of the examination have been at least passed. Have you done everything? Then you can look forward to your final certificate, which we will send you by post.


6 days in the Ayurveda kitchen in Birstein
To enable you to put your newly acquired cooking skills into practice, an internship in the organic Ayurvedic kitchen in Birstein is part of your training. During this week, you will work intensively on preparing Ayurvedic menus for our training or course participants. Our team of Ayurvedic chefs will be on hand to provide you with advice and support.

At the end of your internship, you will work out an Ayurveda menu plan and prepare it as a practical exam meal.

The internship is free of charge. You only pay for accommodation on site in the category of your choice.

Your work in the Ayurveda kitchen gives you about 4 hours of free time per day. If you need more time for yourself, for example to relax or study, you will have to pay for the internship.

Seminar location of the module "The great Ayurveda cooking school"

The 5-day module "The Great Ayurveda Cooking School" takes place outside the European Academy of Ayurveda. The training kitchen is located approx. 12 km from the campus:

Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Salzbachstr. 7, 63699 Freiensteinau - Hess. Radmühl

Up to 50% online training in the eAcademy

You can complete a large part of the Ayurveda chef training online.

40% = Choose 3 out of 4 possible modules in the eAcademy - study when and where you want:

  • Ayurveda nutrition according to type (AEI)
  • Ayurveda basic course 1/2 (ABK)
  • Ayurveda basic course 2/2 (ABH)
  • Spices, herbalism, medicine chest (APH)

60% = 2 modules as a live webinar (or in face-to-face classes on site) + 6 days of practical training in Birstein

  • 1 of the modules from the list above: AEI, ABK, ABH or APH
  • The Ayurveda Cooking School (AKI)
  • Internship in the Ayurveda kitchen Birstein

How to start your training as a Ayurveda chef

Do you want it to be as simple as possible? Then let us suggest what a complete training plan could look like. Choose one of the following sample plans that suits you best. Of course, you can change each individual date afterwards to suit you best.

Your individual choice of dates

None of our ready-made sample plans appeal to you? Then you can also put together your own individual plan below.

Entry modules

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Constitution

3 days 3 days 42 lessons

Ayurveda basics: Concepts and disease factors

3 days 3 days 30 lessons

Ayurveda basics: Constitution and Healing

3 days 3 days 39 lessons

The great Ayurveda cooking school

5 days 5 days

Advanced modules

Attendance of at least 1 basic module is recommended in advance

Spices, herbs and oils in Ayurveda

3 days 3 days 59 lessons

Still have questions?

We'll design your training plan together!

In a study consultation, we can briefly clarify when it is best for you to start, which form of learning is best for you and whether we can perhaps take into account your existing prior knowledge. Together we will find the right training program for you . Book your individual training consultation by phone +49 (0)6054-91 310 or simply online.

Introductory seminars

Just get started...

First get a taste, then decide - all seminars can be credited towards later training