Vastu-Shastra - Consultant for healthy living and interior design

  • Create harmonious and healing spaces.

  • Optimize your own living space with the help of Vastu.

  • Sensitize yourself to the perception of energetic spatial qualities.

Rooms have an effect on us. They clothe us. They give us energy, inspire the mind or serve as a haven of peace. Or not! Vastu Shastra is the traditional Indian art of positively aligning and designing space. Vastu Shastra training aims to convey a holistic, scientific approach to this ancient teaching: Vastu measures are not to be taught here as a fixed set of rules, which, if not adhered to, threaten disaster. Rather, traditional Vedic architecture is presented as an individually modulated art of design, which can be used to shape the (living) space in such a way that it strengthens and promotes personal life. For example, color, form and proportion influence people. When a space is created as a living and dynamic energetic matrix, a targeted effect is created that can have a positive influence on professional success, physical immunity and mental development.

In addition to the scientific and design content, the training concept also gives all participants access to the experience of energetic spatial qualities. Many case studies and an excursion are used to illustrate the possibilities of Vastu counseling on a creative, therapeutic and energetic level.

Learning objectives

Competence gain
- You will receive a sound introduction to individual analysis and Vastu measures tailored to this for the energetic and functional quality of properties, buildings, homes and business premises.
- You will learn to align spaces according to the aspects of Vedic architecture and the harmonious laws of nature, i.e. the elements as well as solar and magnetic field forces.
- You will acquire the ability to analyze spaces with their inhabitants according to Vastu criteria, to develop suggestions for correction and to implement them in the context of consultations.


Scope and schedule
The Vastu-Shastra training comprises 10 training days including the final examination. The practice-oriented training takes place as a weekend course (5 x 2 days) including the examination module.

The training concludes with the certificate as a Vastu-Shastra consultant for healthy interior design and architecture following the successful presentation of a practical case (project work) and an oral examination.


Vastu - the Ayurveda of living - designing healthy rooms
- The secret of healing rooms 1
- Principle of action & basics of Vastu-Shastra
- Origin and history of development
- Bipolar main currents of Prana
- Axis of stability for people and space
- Structuring of room and function sequences according to the 5 elements and pole alignment
- Surya-Kala-Vastu: Solar-spectral cycle as the basis of directional and spatial qualities
- Basic rules for home furnishing and use
- Initial analysis of apartment & house plans
- Effect of colors, fragrances and minerals
- Harmonious alignment of room and function sequences according to elements/planets

Vastu-Purusha-Mandala, Heart space, activation of the matrix
- The secret of healing spaces 2
- The relationship between people and space, consciousness and matter, limited and unlimited space
- The heart point and the third dimension
- Working with the 9 matrix and the ray diagram
- Analysis of properties: Location and form, entrances and openings, incidence of light and energy flows
- global, local and individual aspects in Vastu analysis
- possibilities and limits in changing houses and apartments

Geopathology, excursion, corrections and space therapy I
- perceptions of properties and landscapes, of architecture and buildings
- Communication with the "soul of the place"
- Sensing earth pulses and energetic qualities in nature
- Perceptions of your own energy body and energy fields in space
- The three-dimensional Vastu space analysis
- Methods of space therapy and planning
- Kitchens
- Bathrooms/WC
- Bedrooms
- Case studies / exercises
- Excursions, city tour and analysis

Business premises, corrections and room therapy II
- Analysis and evaluation of so-called
- Vastu in the therapy of psychological "systems" and patterns
- Working with tools (mandala, yantra, mirror, etc.) - The dynamics of light and the use of the mandala as a tool.
- The dynamics of light and its guidance
- Practice of individual analysis and counseling
- Methods of space therapy and planning II
- Staircases
- Bedrooms II
- Vastu for commercial and social objects
- Space order therapy for living and working communities
- Presentation of a practical case
- Counseling priority grid

Case studies, Practical seminar, skills matching
- Presentation of a practical case with skills matching
- Discussion of paths in space therapy
- Professional counseling process
- In-depth and supplementary topics


Mark Rosenberg
Mark Rosenberg


Training fee from € 1,850

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Method of payment

Deposit € 500

Final payment

a) In one lump sum no later than one month before the start of the training (immediately for eLearning modules so that we can activate your eSeminars immediately.)
b) As an option for participants from Germany and Austria, we also offer payment in installments. You can find your individual installment plan (depending on the duration of your training) in the booking process. Payment (direct debit) of the monthly installments is made on the 1st of each month, starting from the month of the start of the training booked here, for eAcademy modules immediately. If the training begins with eAcademy modules, the activation is provisionally carried out immediately after receipt of the down payment, regularly after receipt of the first monthly installment.


Rosenberg gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda | DE - 63633 Birstein

For whom?

Especially recommended for
- people with an interest in space and design
- architects and interior designers
- geomancers and feng shui consultants
- Ayurveda consultants or physicians who want to supplement their analysis and therapy spectrum holistically.
- people who want to optimize their personal living and working environment energetically.

Final examination

The training concludes with an examination comprising a written test, the presentation of a practical case and the answering of oral questions (approx. 1 hour per participant).

At a glance



Required prior knowledge:


Examination with degree: Vastu Shastra Consultant

150 learning hours* à 60 min.
-> 5 Modules (see below) + Learning assignments = 150 hrs

Learning forms/hours (per module):
30 learning hrs of which
15 hrs presence (2 days)
30 learning hrs of which 15 hrs
live-webinar (2 days)

Blended learning:
Maximum 1 of 5 modules as e-learning
Maximum 4 of 5 modules as live webinar

Training fee from € 1.850
Parts of the training already completed will be credited: see prices

plus accommodation and meals, if applicable

* Learning hours = total number of didactically accompanied and supervised learning hours learning hours incl. lessons, prepared exercises, guided learning or guided practical exercises, learning checks practice, learning checks either online or face-to-face or in self-study.

Get advice

How to start your training as a Vastu-Shastra - Consultant for healthy living and interior design

Do you want it to be as simple as possible? Then let us suggest what a complete training plan could look like. Choose one of the following sample plans that suits you best. Of course, you can change each individual date afterwards to suit you best.

Still have questions? We'll design your training plan together!

In a study consultation, we can briefly clarify the best time for you to start, which form of learning is best for you and whether we can perhaps take into account your existing prior knowledge. Together we will find the right training program for you. Book your individual training consultation by phone +49 (0)6054-91 310 or simply online.

Your individual choice of dates

None of our ready-made sample plans appeal to you? Then you can also put together your own individual plan below.

Select by yourself

Basic modules

Vastu - the Ayurveda of living - designing healthy spaces

2 days 2 days

Vastu-Purusha-Mandala, heart space, activation of the matrix

2 days 2 days

Advanced modules

Attendance of at least 1 basic module is recommended in advance

Geopathology, excursion, corrections and spatial therapy I

2 days

Business premises, corrections and room therapy II

2 days

Competence modules

Only recommended towards the end of training

Case studies, practical seminar, skills comparison

2 days 2 days

Introductory seminars

Just get started...

First get a taste, then decide - all seminars can be credited towards later training

Dates 2022

The training to become a Vastu Shastra consultant will start again in 2022. You will find the new dates soon on this website - check back soon!