Ayurvedic massage - experience touch

How does an Ayurvedic massage proceed?

A person visiting an Ayurvedic practitioner or therapist for the first time usually does not yet know much about the unique Ayurvedic healing art that underlies it all. Nevertheless, the massage unfolds its effects: it leads to a "being touched", a feeling of well-being, a physical relaxation, a stillness or relaxation of the mind and thoughts, or a realization in the form of an "aha" effect of various kinds.

"I've never been touched like this before."

"I felt like you've known me forever."

... were astonished statements of clients* after an Abhyanga, the Ayurvedic full body massage with warm oil. When a client opens his eyes again after an Abhyanga, or a Mukabhyanga, the oil massage especially of the head, face, décolleté and shoulders, it is not seldom his astonished children's eyes from earlier days, remembering primal trust and security.

Elementary balance for physical and mental well-being

The secret lies in the quality of touch, the therapist's open attitude focused one hundred percent on the guest, and the universal effectiveness of elemental forces.

"Like strengthens like, opposite balances too much or too little." Water extinguishes fire, heat reduces cold, moisture cancels dryness. This is also the case in Ayurvedic massage. Therapists apply oil to dryness, heat to cold sensations, calm too much heat in the body through cooling, and activate slowed physical processes through stimulating and metabolism-stimulating treatments. They treat immobility, such as blocked tissues and congested bodily pathways, with moving and releasing herbal oils and releasing techniques. The practitioners soothe the stressed by a too-fast life with a gentle and enveloping oil massage. To the hardened by sorrow and suffering they meet with the qualities of softness and warmth.

In this way, after a treatment, the clients experience what their lack is. They get a (first) balance to that which does not let them be whole anymore. They feel seen and understood and get an idea of the possible healing that especially their body and mind need. This is what Ayurveda calls "holistic". Body, mind and spirit are seen as a whole and deficiency, as well as abundance, in the sense of "too much", are balanced.

Releasing and processing stored emotions through massage

This results in a special effectiveness of Ayurvedic massage treatments in cases of, for example, life crises and traumas (after the acute phase), stress and excessive demands, chronic pain, lack of self-worth, fear of failure or lethargy and listlessness. According to Ayurvedic understanding, in every cell of a human body, experiences are "temporarily stored" as emotion, as vibrations. As a form of repression or lack of time to digest the experience. Ayurvedic massage with all its aspects, in combination with the "heart quality" of the therapist, is now able to reach and touch these deposits. The guest comes into the position to bring his undigested and as emotional vibrations stored old deposits back to a process. Be it in the form of feelings that are actually relived and thus processed or the proverbial bursting knot, because a blockage is released and e.g. long overdue decisions can be made.

Ayurveda basics

Get to know the ancient art of healing

A good Ayurveda therapist needs empathy and has to apply the techniques of Ayurvedic massage precisely. But it is just as important to fully understand Ayurvedic principles.

That's why the Ayurveda basic course immerses you in the fundamentals of Ayurveda. Find out what it crucial for a healthy life and learn how to determine a person's individual constitution.

Ayurveda basics: Concepts and disease factors

From the doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) to the digestive fire (agni), you will learn about important concepts of Ayurvedic medicine - always with reference to your own life situation.

Ayurveda basics: Constitution and Healing

Learn how to determine the Ayurvedic constitution and find out how Ayurvedic therapies can promote your individual health.

Massage trainings and seminars not yet available in English

We suggest that you start with a basic course that will provide you with fundamental Ayurveda knowledge necessary for massage practitioners (see above).

Be the first to know when further trainings weill be launched. How? Subscribe to our newsletter or indicate your interest by email to be informed personally.

What characterizes a good Ayurvedic therapy?

Ayurvedic massage relaxation

It depends on the inner attitude of the therapist

The Ayurvedic therapists put their personal concerns completely aside for the time of the encounter with the client. They become permeable for the energies that are to be transported and are with the entire attention and attentiveness with the needs of the client. They create an atmosphere that makes it easier for the guest to open up and trust. They meet the guest where they are and do so without judgment. They provide caring care and make their Ayurvedic knowledge and skills available for the guest's holistic healing process.

Through self-experience and professional competence to become a good therapist.

These knowledge and skills, these qualities that an Ayurvedic trained massage practitioner or therapist brings to the table are composed of sound knowledge and techniques of Ayurvedic teachings, common sense, an intuitive gut feeling, empathy and a lot of heart. What is conveyed in an Ayurvedic massage is what an Ayurvedic massage practitioner and Ayurvedic therapist has gone through as a "school" itself. To feel the compensation of a lack of touch itself. Becoming aware of one's own emotional state and asking oneself the question, "Where do I stand?". Feeling sincere sympathy and compassion, and the experience of receiving undivided attention and mindfulness. This is what we as an academy teach our Ayurvedic Massage Practitioners and Ayurvedic Therapists among other things and accompany them holistically. This is also what, from our point of view, makes a good Ayurvedic therapist and the heart quality of his later treatments.

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Principal Ingelore Weidner and her team

Monday - Friday 8.30 - 16.00 hrs

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