Yoga Ayurveda therapist

Healing in the Vedic tradition

  • Explore the therapeutic variations of asanas and pranayama and adapt them to the individual needs of your clients

  • Advanced training for yoga teachers and physiotherapists: Learn to combine the best of yoga and Ayurveda - for a strong mind in a healthy body

Presence Live webinar eLearning
315 Learning hours from € 3.880
from € 3.880 315 Learning hours

First overview



Required prior knowledge:
Completed physiotherapist or yoga teacher training (at least 200 hours and experience in teaching)


Examination with degree: Yoga-Ayurveda-Therapist

315 learning hours* à 60 min.
-> 7 Modules (see below) + Learning assignments = 315 hrs

Learning forms/hours (per module):
e.g. 45 learning hrs of which
25,5 hrs presence (3 days)
45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs
live-webinar (3 days)
45 learning hrs (30 e-lessons in free time management with 5 hrs live webinar)

Blended learning:
Maximum 2 of 7 modules as e-learning
Maximum 1 of 7 modules as live webinar

Training fee from € 3.880
Parts of the training already completed will be credited: see prices

plus accommodation and meals, if applicable

* Learning hours = total number of didactically accompanied and supervised learning hours learning hours incl. lessons, prepared exercises, guided learning or guided practical exercises, learning checks practice, learning checks either online or face-to-face or in self-study.

Get advice

I would like to find out more about the training

Use yoga as a tool to help people with physical and psychological complaints. With elements from Ayurvedic medicine, the YogaChikitsa - Yoga-Ayurveda-Therapy course teaches you a completely new approach to looking at people and health. The power of yoga can unfold with special exercise cycles in which asanas and pranayama are adapted to the constitution and individual complaints in therapeutically oriented variations.

Compact lessons in small groups with lots of practical exercises allow you to apply what you have learned directly during the training. Selected yoga teachers and specialist lecturers will accompany and support you in a diverse setting that is free from dogma. Studying in the personal atmosphere at the European Academy for Ayurveda also gives you a sense of security and a connection to the largest Ayurveda community in Europe.

Who is the training intended for?

Especially recommended for physiotherapists and yoga teachers who want to incorporate aspects of Ayurvedic therapy and constitutional theory into their teaching:

  • want to incorporate aspects of Ayurveda therapy and constitutional teachings into their classes.
  • want to balance physical complaints of their yoga students with appropriate asanas and techniques.
  • want to support people with stress-related or psychosomatic symptoms in finding their center again.
  • Therapists who want to expand their treatment spectrum with Yoga Ayurveda therapy.

How is the training structured?

The training in YogaChikitsa - Yoga-Ayurveda-Therapy is an annual training with 6 blocks of 3 days each (18 days in total). The training plan can be put together in an individual order. The advanced training is particularly recommended as an additional qualification to the yoga teacher training 200h and yoga teacher training 500h in order to grow your knowledge in practical application and to expand it meaningfully with Ayurveda.

We will be happy to advise you on your further path with yoga and Ayurveda.


Required prior knowledge
Yoga teacher training with at least 200h and own experience in teaching yoga, or training as a physiotherapist

The contents in detail

Moving Healing - Yoga Ayurveda Therapy
- Getting to know the diversity of yoga
- Using breathing and support to help you achieve a deeper, more satisfying yoga practice
- Analyzing movement patterns, incorrect postures, tension and chronic pain according to ayurvedic-yogic criteria
- Designing mindful classes and setting a focus, that can overcome blockages and lead to lightness in the asanas and in life
- Ayurveda knowledge that creates more satisfaction and resilience in everyday life

Abundance and diversity - experiencing and applying Yoga Ayurveda Chikitsa
- Basics of Ayurvedic constitutional and nutritional teachings "Food as medicine"
- Ayurvedic nutritional and herbal teachings for the therapeutic treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous system complaints.

- Asana sequences to balance dosha imbalances and strengthen agni

- Yoga and pranayama exercises as well as nutrition for stress, insomnia and emotional complaints
- Mindfulness in exercise sequences and the importance of hidden and rarely taught details

Seeing with the heart - Ayurvedic psychology according to type

  • Personality structures of the physical and mental constitutional types
  • Type-appropriate reaction patterns and blockages
  • Seeing with the heart - energy work and solution approaches in working with the body sheaths (koshas)
  • Approaches of traditional Ayurvedic psychotherapy based on mental needs and causes of illness (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Mosksha)
  • Nutritional recommendations and strengthening measures for mental stability
  • Practice of type-appropriate Ayurveda coaching

The gates of the wind - the musculoskeletal system and the flow of prana
- Getting to know the bandhas (seals) of the body and connecting them with the healing art of breath
- Gentle pranayama and asana adjustments to alleviate musculoskeletal complaints: back, shoulder/neck pain
- Fascia, joints. Muscles and breath in yoga therapy
- Deepen hands-on alignments
- Yoga breathing techniques for the flow of prana: intensive pranayama
- Feel stability and lightness through the practice of the 5 vayus (gates of the wind): explore, experience, apply

Yoga therapy to balance gunas & doshas
You will learn
to develop solution-oriented therapy concepts that correspond to the different personalities (doshas) and mental conditions (gunas)
- calming and strengthening techniques from the treasure trove of yoga asanas and pranayama and how you can usefully reinforce them with Ayurveda
- the special accompanying techniques of Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa for asthma, digestive weakness ,tension, palpitations, chronischen Schmerzen und Krebs in der praktischen Ausführung kennen
- die Umsetzung der Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa im erfolgreichen Coaching deiner Einzelstunden Klienten anwenden
- den Klang und Mantras mit praktischen Übungen in der Heilung in der Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa

Berührende Anatomie im Kontext zu Yoga und Ayurveda
Du lernst
• das Auffinden der wichtigsten Knochen und ihrer gelenkigen Verbindungen in Bewegung
• das Hören und Fühlen von Gelenkbewegungen wie Schulter,
- recognizing disorders in the movement of joints
- health and movement of the spine and back in all directions of movement
- examinations and tests on the back and spine that are useful for teaching yoga, in yoga therapy and massage
- Overview of the most common injuries and complaints
- Function and position of stabilizing and moving muscle groups, consideration of the fascial system and the myofascial system in movement
- Typical restrictions due to incorrect strain on muscles and fascia
- Blood circulation: Recognizing heart and vascular health, simple tests and examination
- Notes for practitioners: Recognize emergencies and act accordingly
- Respiratory: the lungs, the nasopharynx, the diaphragm and the auxiliary respiratory muscles
- Palpation of internal organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines and bladder and an overview of their movements and functions

Yoga-Ayurveda therapy in application, Supervision and examination

- Integration of yoga elements into Ayurveda therapy
- Effects of yoga and yoga therapy
- Breath therapy of yoga (pranayama)
o Theoretical basics
o Knowledge of breath
o Concept of prana
Practical part: Practicing selected pranayama techniques

Who teaches me?

Prof Dr. Martin Mittwede
Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede
Porträt Ulrich Koch
Ulrich Koch
Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg
Manuela Heider de Jahnsen

How much does the Ayurveda training cost?

Training fee from € 3,880

less discount for payment in one sum in advance € 50

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Method of payment

Deposit € 500

Final payment

a) In one lump sum no later than one month before the start of the training (immediately for eLearning modules so that we can activate your eSeminars immediately.)
b) As an option for participants from Germany and Austria, we also offer payment in installments. You can find your individual installment plan (depending on the duration of your training) in the booking process. Payment (direct debit) of the monthly installments is made on the 1st of each month, starting from the month of the start of the training booked here, for eAcademy modules immediately. If the training begins with eAcademy modules, the activation is provisionally carried out immediately after receipt of the down payment, regularly after receipt of the first monthly installment.


Rosenberg gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda | DE - 63633 Birstein


The training concludes with an examination. This comprises a written assignment with a case study and a practical examination.

How to start your training as a Yoga Ayurveda therapist

Do you want it to be as simple as possible? Then let us suggest what a complete training plan could look like. Choose one of the following sample plans that suits you best. Of course, you can change each individual date afterwards to suit you best.

Your individual choice of dates

None of our ready-made sample plans appeal to you? Then you can also put together your own individual plan below.

Entry modules

Moving healing - Yoga-Ayurveda therapy

3 days

Abundance and diversity - experience and apply Yoga Ayurveda Chikitsa

3 days

Seeing with the heart - Ayurvedic psychology according to type

3 days 3 days 30 lessons

Advanced modules

Attendance of at least 1 basic module is recommended in advance

The gates of the wind - musculoskeletal system and the flow of prana

3 days

Yoga therapy to balance gunas & doshas

3 days

Touching anatomy in the context of yoga and Ayurveda

3 days

Competence modules

Only recommended towards the end of training

Yoga Ayurveda therapy in application, supervision and examination

3 days

Still have questions?

We'll design your training plan together!

In a study consultation, we can briefly clarify when it is best for you to start, which form of learning is best for you and whether we can perhaps take into account your existing prior knowledge. Together we will find the right training program for you . Book your individual training consultation by phone +49 (0)6054-91 310 or simply online.

Introductory seminars

Just get started...

First get a taste, then decide - all seminars can be credited towards later training