Ayurveda News

Award from the MAM University in Nadiad, India, for decades of commitment to European Ayurveda

Free lectures and comprehensive information about our cures and training. Join us to get to know us and Ayurveda! Register now for the online info…

The foundation was initiated in May 2024 – a milestone for Ayurveda in Germany. The European Academy for Ayurveda is involved.

Healthy Friday with Dr. med. Kalyani Nagersheth and Mark Rosenberg

Specialist conference for the Ayurveda community - 1st Ayurveda conference in Switzerland! Learn from the best in the industry and expand your…

Recently, our medical director of studies, Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede, visited one of our partner institutions in India: the Mahagujarat Medical…

In dialogue with great Ayurveda personalities. The International Ayurveda Symposium in Birstein (Hessen) is an annual highlight that every Ayurveda…

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Rosenberg Ayurveda, the European Academy of Ayurveda is organizing this year on 21 and 22. July 2023 for…

Amrita University in India - PhD degree and in-depth internships in Kerala

There is news at the European Academy of Ayurveda in Austria: After many successful years as head of our representative office in Austria, Petra…

The annual Ayurveda Congress at the European Academy of Ayurveda in Birstein from 16 - 18 Sept 2022 was again a great success. This year, in addition…

Vom 11. bis 13. September: Diesmal online und noch vielfältiger!

Defying the Corona virus and the stress that comes with it

The current exceptional situation due to the Corona virus requires special measures in our out...

We cordially invite you to get to know us personally at the Open Ayurveda Campus in Birstein!

We look back on outstanding lectures, international guests and special moments during the...

Ayurveda lecture evening with Prof. Dr. Gupta

With Easter offer on our cures in May and June!

AyurSoul will celebrate its first anniversary on April 7, 2019. Celebrate with us!

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage journal publishes study on knee osteoarthritis.

as a prelude to a new and exciting year!

60 stakeholders from 17 countries advocated for the integration of Ayurveda in Europe.

On February 2, Mark Rosenberg, director of the European Academy of Ayurveda, received

Am 21. November haben Indrikis Muižnieks, Rektor der Lettischen Universität (LU), und Kerstin und Ma...

Shripad Naik besucht das Kompetenzzentrum der Europäischen Akademie für Ayurveda

Vaidya Sundarlal Joshi Memorial Management Award am 3. September 2016 verliehen

Am 09.03.2016 haben zwei Ayurveda Verbände (VSAMT und SVMAT) und zwei Ayurveda Schule...

Am Wochenende des 27. & 28. Juni wurde der Erweiterungsbau mit über 800 Gästen eröffnet

Ex-Eishockey-Profi Volker Lindenzweig erzählt im "Spiegel": Dank Ayurveda habe ich gelernt, mit der Nervenkrankheit ALS zu leben.