Study in Ayurveda-Medicine (Part 1 + 2)

Complete training in Ayurvedic medicine

Part 1+ 2 - Ayurveda complete course for doctors and health professionals

  • In-depth Ayurveda knowledge for medical practitioners: Gain a deep understanding of Ayurvedic diagnosis and therapies, from herbal preparations to medical detoxification (Panchakarma)

  • New treatment approaches for your patients: Apply Ayurvedic medicine to complex conditions and integrate it into outpatient or clinical practice

  • Advanced training according to WHO and umbrella organization guidelines: in cooperation with Maganbhai Adenvala Mahagujarat University (India) - recognized by the Ayurveda profession and the German Medical Association

Presence Live webinar eLearning
769 Learning hours from € 11.270
from € 11.270 769 Learning hours

First overview



Required prior knowledge:
Doctor, alternative practitioner, medical professions


- Examination with qualification: Medical Ayurveda Specialist
- complies with the guidelines of the ADAVED - Ayurveda Dachverband Deutschland
- recognized by VEAT - Berufsverband Deutscher und Europäischer Ayurveda Mediziner und Therapeuten e.V. (Professional Association of German and European Ayurveda Physicians and Therapists).

1135 learning hours* à 60 min.
-> 17 Modules (see below) + Learning assignments = 769 hrs
-> 2 Modules Exam (incl. preparation) 86 hrs
-> 2 modules internship 280 hrs

Standard period of study 36-50 months

Learning forms/hours (per module):
e.g. 45 learning hrs of which
22,5 hrs presence (3 days)
45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs
live-webinar (3 days)
e.g. 45 learning hrs (30 e-lessons in free time management with 5 hrs live webinar)

Blended learning:
Maximum 7 of 17 modules as e-learning
Maximum 11 of 17 modules as live webinar

Training fee from € 11.270
Parts of the training already completed will be credited: see prices

plus accommodation and meals, if applicable

* Learning hours = total number of didactically accompanied and supervised learning hours learning hours incl. lessons, prepared exercises, guided learning or guided practical exercises, learning checks practice, learning checks either online or face-to-face or in self-study.

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I would like to find out more about the training?

With this package you will fully meet the requirements of the Ayurveda umbrella organization ADAVED for Ayurveda medicine.

You will learn the theory of Ayurveda, diagnostics, the various therapy methods including pancakarma, manual therapy and herbal medicine:

  • Basic studies: The fascinating facets of Ayurveda
  • Advanced studies part 1: Holistic therapies in Ayurvedic medicine
  • Internships: therapeutic practice in a health resort, outpatient clinic and Indian hospital

While working, you will discover the holistic approach of classical Ayurveda applied to modern times. Learn from an experienced and competent team of lecturers how Ayurveda can be put into practice.

  • Ayurveda medicine validated by the Maganbhai Adenvala Mahagujarat University (MAM), Nadiad
  • Can be implemented flexibly on a part-time basis
  • Practice-oriented learning from the experts

The course is suitable for doctors, medical practitioners, alternative practitioners and members of other healthcare professions with therapeutically oriented professional experience. If you have no previous medical knowledge, you can also start with an alternative practitioner training course to immerse yourself in Ayurvedic healing knowledge.

At the European Academy of Ayurveda, we teach Ayurvedic medicine authentically and on a scientific basis. Experienced professors and Ayurvedic physicians teach here with a strong focus on clinical practice. At the end of the course, students receive a qualified and recognized qualification that enables them to use Ayurvedic medicine within the local healthcare system.

How is the training structured?



Study Ayurveda medicine


Your path to graduation

Part Title Days Attendance time | UE
60 min | 45 min
Total learning hours
60 min


Prerequisite: Basic studies (FAH/FAA) or advanced medical training in Ayurveda (FAM) (min. 24 days)


Advanced studies in Ayurveda medicine


225 hours | 300 units

450 hrs.


Internship: medical internship during a Panchakarma treatment at Kurzentum Birstein


130 hrs.

200 hrs.

2c Internship: outpatient internship in an Ayurveda medical practice
REAA final examination: Medical Ayurveda specialist


Diploma program in cooperation with MAM University, Nadiad (India)


Internship: clinical internship at P.D. Patell Ayurveda Hospital, Nadiad (India)


180 hrs.

300 hrs.

Dissertation (1) (5) 150 hrs.
Certificate: Studies in Ayurveda Medicine (advanced studies in Ayurveda Medicine) 64 540 1100 hrs.

The contents in detail

Ayurveda basics: Concepts and disease factors
- Introduction to the history and philosophy of Ayurveda
- Essential features and literature of Ayurveda
- Traditional Ayurvedic medicine versus modern science
- Five elements (panca-mahabhuta)
- Nature of the human being: Differentiation of body, mind and soul
- Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of Ayurveda
- Functional components: doshas (classification, properties, functions, seats) and agnis (classification, function, states)
- Structural components: dhatus, upadhatus , malas and srotas
- Process of tissue formation (dhatu-parinama)
- Definition of health (svastha)
- Causes (hetu) of health and physical and mental diseases
- Process of etiopathogenesis (samprapti)
- Stages of etiopathogenesis (six kriyakala)

Additional material for medical practitioners (ABK)
- Live eWorkshop: Integration of Ayurveda into modern medicine
- eCourse "Practical examples for doctors": Irritable bowel syndrome
- Combination of Western medicine and Ayurveda
- Video lecture: Core concepts of Ayurveda with reference to Western natural healing methods

Ayurveda basics: Constitution and medicine
- Theoretical and practical introduction to the concept of Ayurvedic constitutional theory (prakriti)
- Introduction to Ayurvedic symptomatology:
- Symptoms of the doshas
- Symptoms of the tissues (dhatu), excretory products (mala), transport spaces (srotas), digestive power (agni)
- Theoretical introduction to diagnostics in Ayurveda: Models of patient examination
- Three-fold examination (tri-vidha-pariksha)
- Six-fold examination (shad-vidha-pariksha)
- Eight-fold examination (ashta-vidha-pariksha)
- Introduction to Ayurvedic concepts of health maintenance (svasthavrtta):
- Dinacarya: daily routine measures and order therapy
- Ritucarya: recommendations for a lifestyle adapted to the seasons
- Introduction to Ayurvedic nutrition and food science
- Rasayana: measures that strengthen
- Basic therapeutic strategies
- Introduction to pancakarma therapies

Additional material for medical practitioners (ABH)
Additional content in the basic course for medical practitioners:
- Live eWorkshop: Integration of Ayurveda into modern medicine
- eCourse "Practical examples for doctors": Ayurvedic pathogenesis (Kriyakala) in the everyday practice of conventional medicine
- Smart Learning (online): The roots of Ayurveda - the classical texts and Sanskrit

Phytotherapy and Pharmacology 1
- Introduction to Dravya guna shastra
- Introduction to sapta-padartha (7 categories) of vaisheshika doctrine with reference to dravyaguna
- Concepts of Ayurvedic Pharmacology (dravyaguna-vijnana):
- Taste (rasa)
- Property (guna)
- Systemic effect (vipaka)
- Thermal effect (virya)
- General therapeutic effect (karma)
- Specific effect (prabhava)
- Ayurvedic preparations:
- Fresh juice (svarasa)
- Paste (kalka)
- Powder (curna)
- Decoction (kvatha, kashaya)
- Cold extract (hima)
- Hot extract (phanta)
- Oily preparations (taila, ghrita)
- Fermented preparations (arishta, asava)
- Carrier substances (anupana)
- Detailed discussion of more than 50 Ayurvedic medicinal plants, especially those available in Europe, for example: Ginger (shunti, ardraka), turmeric (haridra), long pepper (pippali), amalaki with triphala, ashvagandha, shatavari
- Forms of dosage
- Methods of preparation
- Dosage
- Legal basis and quality assurance
- Availability in Europe

Diagnostic principles of Ayurveda (nidana)
- Prakriti and Vikriti: Difference between constitution and disorder / disease
- Concepts of patient examination (rogi-pariksha): three-fold, six-fold and eight-fold examination
- anamnesis training
- digestive power and metabolism (agni)
- pathological metabolic(ama)
- Intestinal activity (koshtha)
- Nutrition (ahara)
- Sleep (nidra)
- Palpation (sparshana)
- Auscultation (shravana)
- Smell (ghrana)
- Taste (rasana)
- Introduction: Pulse and tongue examination (nadi and jihva)
- Excretions (mala: purisha, mutra)
- Eyes (drik, netra)
- Face and external appearance (akriti)
- Use of modern diagnostic methods
- Disease (vikriti)
- Development process (kriyakala)
- Prognosis (sadhya-asadhyata)
- Fivefold analysis scheme of the disease (panca-nidana)
- Determining the power (bala) of patient and disease (atura-roga-bala-pramana-jnana)

Manual therapy 1
- Manual therapeutic and psychological aspects of Ayurvedic massages
- Ayurvedic oil preparations
- Indications and contraindications

Practical exercises and demonstrations of:
- Full body oil massages (kalari / sarvanga abhyanga)
- Partial massages:
- Head (shiroabhyanga),
- Back (prishthabhyanga),
- Feet (padabhyanga)
- Forehead pouring (shirodhara)
- Warming packs (lepa and picchu)
- Heat applications (svedana)

- Core concepts of Ayurveda and their relevance to clinical practice

Orthopaedics, immunology, cardiology and principles of clinical medicine
Principles and concepts of kāyacikitsā:
- Definition of terms
- Sixfold classification of therapies (sadvidhopakrama)
- General classification of therapies
- Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system
- Orthopaedic diseases (e. g.B. arthrosis, sciatica / lumbago rheumatoid arthritis)
- Immunological concepts of Ayurveda: bala and ojas
- Ayurvedic view of allergies, hypersensitivities and autoimmune diseases

Practical therapies and philosophy of Ayurveda
- Introduction History and classical texts (brihattrayi)
- Brief overview of the philosophical foundations of Ayurveda (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Vedanta)
- Ayurveda and modern medicine
- Practical implementation of dietary recommendations in everyday life (ahara)
- Implementation of Ayurvedic diagnostic and therapeutic concepts
- Treatment of common general medical symptoms and minor illnesses
- Stress and the nervous system (vata-reduction)
- Functional digestive disorders (agni disorders)
- Problems of the musculoskeletal system
- Skin symptoms
- Strengthening the immune system (bala, ojas)
- Practical organization of treatments
- Legal status of Ayurveda medicine
- Professional associations
- Infrastructure of an Ayurveda practice

Final examination FAA - written

Pharmacology, phytotherapy 2 and complex preparations Complex preparations
- Introduction and basic meaning of pharmacology
- In-depth understanding of Ayurvedic pharmacology (dravyaguna-vijnana)
- Detailed discussion of further Ayurvedic medicinal plants and combination preparations
- Detailed discussion of classical and modern combination preparations
- Forms of dosage, methods of preparation, dosage, carrier substances
- Legal bases and quality assurance
- Availability in Europe

Clinic: Dermatology, pneumology, urology
- Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract
- Diseases of t he respiratory tract (e.g. rhinitis, cough, cough) - Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tracte.g. rhinitis, cough, bronchial asthma)
- Causes (hetu), pathogenesis (saṃprapti), symptoms (rupa) and proven therapies
- Dermatological diseases (e.g. dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, urticaria)
- Introduction and therapy examples of Ayurvedic urology e.g. Recurrent urinary tract infections

Purgative procedures (pancakarma)
- Three phases of pancakarma: preliminary, main and follow-up treatment
- Explanations from a modern medical perspective
- General indications and contraindications
- The 8 big mistakes (ashta mahadosha)
- Preparatory phase: removal and mobilization of pathogenic factors
- Implementation:
- Explanation of all karmas with specific indications and contraindications
- Symptoms of successful implementation (samyak-yoga)
- Side effects and complications
- Post-treatment, resting phase and restorative diet
- Implementation of pancakarma in outpatient practice
- Treatment strategies based on individual cases

Clinic: Gastroenterology, metabolic diseases, endrocrinology, hematology
- Nutritional therapy in practice
- Civilization and metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and cachexia)
- Causes (hetu), pathogenesis (samprapti), symptoms (rupa) and proven therapies
- Rasayana therapy for prevention and health promotion
- Case analysis of lifestyle-related diseases

Clinic: Psychosomatics and psychology
- Relationship of body (sharira) and psyche (sattva)
- The self (atman) as a foundation of health
- Comparison of modern psychology, yoga psychology and Ayurveda psychology
- Ayurvedic psychosomatics and treatment strategies
- Human resources, Vulnerability and resilience
- Personality variables (vasana, samskara)
- Identification (asmita)
- Projection (adhyaropa)
- Complications (klesha)
- Vata, stress and pain
- Relaxation, mindfulness and meditation
- Depth psychology, dreams, inner images, symbols and mythology
- Spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of therapy

Clinic: Gynecology, pediatrics
- Basic gynecological concepts of Ayurveda:
- Menstrual cycle
- Planned conception and pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Lactation
- Menopause
- Gynecological diseases (stiroga) (e.g. menstrual disorders, menopausal problems, diseases of the uterus and ovaries)
- Pediatrics (bala-roga) (e.g. menstrual disorders, menopausal problems, diseases of the uterus and ovaries) - Pediatrics (bala-roga)B. Diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and skin)
- Adaptation of therapy concepts for children, with practical recommendations for diseases of the respiratory tract, tonsillitis, skin, diarrhea, constipation

Practice of manual therapy 2
- Reducing manual therapies (apatarpana)
- Restorative manual therapies (santarpana)
- Therapies with herbal pouches (pinda)
- Full body oil pouring (pizzhichili)
- Oil treatments of the sensory organs and the head
- Treatment of the spine (katibasti)
- Rubdowns and peelings (udvartana)
- Silk gloveMassage (gharshana)
- Treatment of the vital points (marma-cikitsa)
- Marma-nadi system
- Indications and contraindications of manual therapies

Clinic: Neurology, psychiatry, pain therapy
- Neurological diseases (e.g. neuralgia, morbidity, pain therapy)e.g. neuralgia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis)
- Classical concepts of psychotherapy (sattvavajaya) in Ayurveda
- Mental and psychiatric illnesses (e.g. depression, burn-out, epilepsy) depression, burn-out, epilepsy)
- Ayurvedic pain therapy (Agni Karma)

Final examination for the main course in Ayurveda medicine

Supervised clinical internship - Birstein health resort
- Supervision of Ayurveda doctors and therapists to observe their practical work and implementation in a professional setting
- Observation of procedures and the use of materials for high-quality, safe and effective Ayurveda therapy, safe and effective Ayurveda therapy and health promotion
- Use of methods that ensure the success of therapy within the framework of a patient-oriented concept
- Medical history, clinical assessment, follow-up treatment
- Patient contact
- Case discussions with experienced Ayurveda physicians and therapists

Supervised clinical practice in Europe: Outpatient Clinic
- Supervision of Ayurvedic physicians and therapists to observe their practice work and implementation in an outpatient setting
- Observation of procedures and use of materials for high quality, safe and effective Ayurveda therapy and health promotion
- Use of methods that ensure the success of therapy within the framework of a patient-oriented concept
- Medical history, clinical assessment,
- Patient contact
- Case discussions with experienced Ayurveda physicians and therapists

Who teaches me?

Dr. Shivenarain Gupta Porträt
Prof. Dr. Shivenarain Gupta
Prof Dr. Martin Mittwede
Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede
Porträt Kalyani Nagershet
Dr. med. Kalyani Nagersheth
Silva Zitzmann
Maria Büdel
Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg
Karin Bachmaier
Karin Bachmaier
Porträt Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker
Marco Lebbing Porträt
Marco Lebbing
Porträt Leini Siebenaller
Léini Siebenaller
Tanuja Nesari
Prof. Dr. Tanuja Nesari

How much does the Ayurveda training cost?

Training fee from € 11,270

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Method of payment

Deposit € 600

Final payment

a) In one lump sum no later than one month before the start of the training (immediately for eLearning modules so that we can activate your eSeminars immediately.)
b) As an option for participants from Germany and Austria, we also offer payment in installments. You can find your individual installment plan (depending on the duration of your training) in the booking process. Payment (direct debit) of the monthly installments is made on the 1st of each month, starting from the month of the start of the training booked here, for eAcademy modules immediately. If the training begins with eAcademy modules, the activation is provisionally carried out immediately after receipt of the down payment, regularly after receipt of the first monthly installment.


Rosenberg gGmbH - European Academy for Ayurveda | DE - 63633 Birstein

How to start your training as a Complete training in Ayurvedic medicine

Do you want it to be as simple as possible? Then let us suggest what a complete training plan could look like. Choose one of the following sample plans that suits you best. Of course, you can change each individual date afterwards to suit you best.

Your individual choice of dates

None of our ready-made sample plans appeal to you? Then you can also put together your own individual plan below.

Entry modules

Ayurveda basics: Concepts and disease factors

3 days 3 days 30 lessons

Additional material for physicians (ABK)

1 lesson

Ayurveda basics: Constitution and Healing

3 days 3 days 39 lessons

Additional material for physicians (ABH)

1 lesson

Advanced modules

Attendance of at least 1 basic module is recommended in advance

Phytotherapy and pharmacology 1

3 days 30 lessons

Diagnostic principles of Ayurveda (nidana)

3 days

Manual therapy 1

5 days

Orthopaedics, immunology, cardiology and principles of clinical medicine

3 days 3 days

Practical therapies and philosophy of Ayurveda

3 days 3 days

Pharmacology, phytotherapy 2 and complex preparations

3 days 3 days 20 lessons

Clinic: Dermatology, Pneumology, Urology

3 days 3 days

Purging procedure (Pancakarma)

6 days

Clinic: Gastroenterology, metabolic diseases, endrocrinology, hematology

3 days 3 days

Clinic: Psychosomatics and psychology

3 days 3 days

Clinic: Gynecology, Pediatrics

3 days 3 days

Practice of manual therapy 2

3 days

Clinic: Neurology, Psychiatry, Pain therapy

3 days 3 days

Competence modules

Only recommended towards the end of training

FAA final exam - written

4 hours

Final examination for the main course in Ayurveda Medicine

2.5 hours

Supervised clinical internship - Kurzentrum Birstein

Supervised clinical practice in Europe: Outpatient clinic

Still have questions?

We'll design your training plan together!

In a study consultation, we can briefly clarify when it is best for you to start, which form of learning is best for you and whether we can perhaps take into account your existing prior knowledge. Together we will find the right training program for you . Book your individual training consultation by phone +49 (0)6054-91 310 or simply online.

Introductory seminars

Just get started...

First get a taste, then decide - all seminars can be credited towards later training