Dr. Prasanth Dharmarajan

Assistant Professor Panchakarma at the AIIA

Dr. Prasanth Dharmarajan PhD comes from a family of Ayurvedic physicians in Kerala and was one of the first employees of the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), the apex institute of the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. In 2015, he was appointed Consultant and Assistant Professor of Panchakarma. He established and developed the Panchakarma department, which now treats hundreds of patients per day. He created the first national standards for the training of Panchakarma therapists in India and trained the postgraduate students and therapists of the institute. Previously, he worked in the Department of Panchakarma and Integrative Medical Studies at the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and its Ayurveda School Kerala. There he conducted and taught educational programs for international students, including western doctors and medical staff.

Educational offer with Dr. Prasanth Dharmarajan


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