Seeing with the heart - Ayurvedic psychology according to type

Recognize your true nature

In Ayurveda, each person is regarded as a unique individual with a unique personality in its universal origin and its physical and mental characteristics. With the help of knowledge about the individual's constitution, mental strengths and weaknesses, personal abilities and obstacles as well as unrealized potential on a mental, emotional and spiritual level can be recognized and treated.

Based on Ayurvedic psychology and applied yoga philosophy, the seminar teaches a gentle and sensitive way to discover one's own potential and to accompany people therapeutically in their solution-oriented processes.

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Further information


  • Personality structures of the physical and mental constitutional types
  • Type-appropriate reaction patterns and blockages
  • Seeing with the heart - energy work and solution approaches in working with the body sheaths (koshas)
  • Approaches of traditional Ayurvedic psychotherapy based on mental needs and causes of illness (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Mosksha)
  • Nutritional recommendations and strengthening measures for mental stability
  • Practice of type-appropriate Ayurveda coaching

For whom?

Nutritionists, yoga teachers, psychologists, doctors and anyone who wants to learn more about Ayurvedic psychology


Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg

Price info

Seminar fee from € 520

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

List of lessons in the e-Academy online seminar

Learn where and when you want! That is the motto of our eAcademy modules. Based on a varied eBook, they allow you to learn the various content in a fun way. Various videos, audios and a knowledge database allow you to delve deep into the topics. It will be exciting!

At the end, you will know just as much - and even a little more! -as if you had attended a classroom course.
And with the help of a learning check, you can test and secure your new knowledge and acquired skills.

Contents of the e-training "Seeing with the heart - Ayurvedic psychology according to type"

APE 01- Basics of Ayurvedic psychology
- Video on the basics of Ayurvedic psychology
- Mental health from an Ayurvedic perspective
- Treatment strategies of Ayurvedic psychology
- Body, mind and soul
- The nature of the mind
- Manas and Citta - Instruments of the mind
- The Trigunas: Sattva - Rajas - Tamas

APE 02 - The constitution - the true self
- Video on the psychological aspects of the constitution
- Changeable and unchangeable aspects of the personality
- Prakriti - discovering one's own origin
- Doshas - constitutional qualities, that shape the body and psyche
- Manas and the mental constitution
- Type-appropriate communication in psychological counselling

APE 03 - Sattva Guna - mental health and strength
- Sattva Bala - resilience and resilience
- The interplay of doshas and gunas
- Sattva and Ojas - key qualities of mental health Key qualities of mental health
- Sattvic qualities of the personality
- Measures to strengthen the mind

APE 04 - The koshas - sheaths of the gross and subtle body
- Video on working with the koshas in Ayurvedic psychotherapy
- The subtle and gross body
- Sharira and koshas - forms and sheaths
- The five koshas
- Properties, Disorders and potential of the koshas
- Practical work with the koshas

APE 05 - Sattvic nutrition - food for the soul
- Video on sattva-strengthening nutrition and herbal therapy
- Rules of sattvic nutrition
- Sattva-strengthening foods
- Medhya Rasayana - herbs, that strengthen the mind
- Recipes from the sattvic kitchen

APE 06 - Ayurvedic psychology in practice
- Video on Ayurvedic talk therapy
- Ayurvedic treatment strategies for psychological complaints
- Seeing with the "heart"
- Psychological Ayurveda counseling and coaching
- The Trivargas - pillars of mental health
- Ayurveda against stress and stress-related complaints

Learning check

This seminar concludes with a learning check in our digital eAcademy platform. With the help of multiple choice questions, you check whether you have achieved the learning objectives of this course. You can complete the learning check up to three times and if you get at least 70% of the answers correct, you have passed.

After the successful learning check, you will reap the rewards of your work: your certificate of attendance will be sent to you by email and is also available for you to download from the learning platform.

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs presence
3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs live-webinar
30 Lessons 45 learning hrs of which 5 hrs live-webinar

from € 520
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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