Ayurvedic diagnostics

The Ayurvedic master discipline: Diagnostics (nidana)

Through diagnostics, Ayurveda reveals itself as an independent medical system with a special understanding of the causes, symptoms and development process of a disease. With the Ayurvedic detailed analysis, you can gain a precise understanding of the illness. Constitutional type, digestive capacity, intestinal sensitivity and other criteria are particularly important.

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The new dates are in planning. Please check back here soon!

Further information


- Clinical examination of the patient (rogipariksha): comprehensive explanation of the three-fold, six-fold and eight-fold examination
- Special features of the anamnesis in Ayurveda
- Determination of the individual digestive power (agni) and sensitivity of the intestines (kostha)
- Ayurvedic concept of metabolic intermediates (ama)
- Ayurvedic pulse examination (nadi-pariksha)
- Diagnosis of the disease (rogapariksha): five-fold analysis scheme of the disease (pancanidana)
- determination and comparison of the strength of patient and disease (atura-roga-bala-pramana-jnana)
- ayurvedic criteria for clinical prognosis (sadhya-asadhyata)
- practical exercises for diagnostics


Porträt Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker

Price info

Seminar fee from € 720

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:
Ayurveda basic course (2 modules)

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs presence
3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs live-webinar

from € 720
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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