Clinic: Gynecology, Pediatrics, Oncology

Even in the classics of Ayurveda, gynecology and paediatrics are taught as independent disciplines. This means that thousands of years of empirical knowledge is available here.

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The new dates are in planning. Please check back here soon!

Further information


- Discussion of Ayurvedic and modern clinical pictures
- Basics of gynecology in Ayurveda
- Menstrual cycle, planned conception, accompaniment of pregnancy, birth, lactation, menopause
- Gynecology: e.g. menstrual disorders Menstruationsstörungen, menopausale Problematiken, verschiedene Erkrankungen der Vagina und des Uterus (yonivyapad)
• Grundlagen der Pädiatrie im Ayurveda
• Besonderheiten und Anpassungen der Therapie von Kindern
• Pädiatrie: z.e.g. diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system and skin
- Oncology: Ayurvedic support options as complementary therapy for malignant diseases
- Causes (hetu), pathogenesis (samprapti), symptoms (rupa) and proven therapies (cikitsa) of the clinical pictures
- Nutrition and order therapy (ahara, vihara)
- Case studies


Dr. Shivenarain Gupta Porträt
Prof. Dr. Shivenarain Gupta
Porträt Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker

Price info

Seminar fee from € 690

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:
Basic studies in Ayurveda medicine

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs presence

from € 690
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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