- Theoretical and practical introduction to the concept of the Ayurvedic theory of constitution (prakriti)
- Introduction to diagnostics in Ayurveda: models of patient examination
- three-fold examination (trividha-pariksha)
- six-fold examination (shadvidha-pariksha)
- eight-fold examination (ashtavidha-pariksha)
- Introduction to the Ayurvedic concepts of health maintenance (svasthavritta):
- Dinacarya: daily routine measures and order therapy
- Ritucarya: recommendations for a lifestyle adapted to the seasons
- Rasayana: measures that strengthen and counteract the ageing process
- Vajikarana: Measures to increase potency and improve the quality of egg and sperm cells
- Ahara: Introduction to Ayurvedic food science
- Concept of the 6 tastes (shadrasa)
- Introduction to Ayurvedic symptomatology:
- Symptoms of the doshas
- Symptoms of the tissues (dhatus), excretory products (mala), transportation spaces (srotas)
- Introduction to the rational, psychic and subtle therapeutic approaches (yuktivyapashraya, sattvavajaya, daivavyapashraya)
- Detailed breakdown of rational therapy
- Introduction to pancakarma therapies
Additional content in the basic course for medical practitioners:
- Live eWorkshop: Integration of Ayurveda into modern medicine
- eCourse "Practical examples for doctors": Irritable bowel syndrome - combination of Western medicine and Ayurveda