Yoga inspired by Ayurveda

Experience the yoga of life affirmation

Yoga is not a theory, but a way of life. Those who follow this path will soon realize how well it can control stress and many other physical or mental symptoms. Especially when we combine yoga and Ayurveda - because together they work even better!

Get to know the effect of different yoga techniques on the doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha and experience the positive power of yoga. By practicing our life-affirming yoga alignment yourself and together, you will be guided to perform static and dynamic postures, breathing exercises and meditations mindfully and joyfully. Not only will your body be made more flexible and strengthened in a new way, but your mind will also be trained to achieve greater concentration and calm.

This introductory seminar into the world of experience of Ayurvedic-inspired yoga is also the ideal introduction to the advanced yoga teacher training course (200h).

Choose time and place/learning method

The new dates are in planning. Please check back here soon!

Further information


- Yoga and Ayurveda - better together
- effect of yoga on the doshas
- the sun salutation - intensive dynamic practice
- learn to lead yoga exercises

For whom?

anyone who would like to get to know and practice yoga inspired by Ayurveda

Price info

Seminar fee from € 999999

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 25,5 hrs presence

from € 440
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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