Structure: Ayurveda manual therapy for animals

Seminar series

1) Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals

Type-appropriate Ayurveda therapies with oils, herbal pouches and compresses for dogs, cats and horses

Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals involves more than just massage techniques to relax the muscles: The comprehensive therapy system deals with oils, energy pathways and touch. Ayurvedic manula therapy is closely linked to the science of oils and herbs, as the use of these plant substances in the form of healing oils, pastes or stamps is an integral part of external Ayurvedic therapy.The numerous special therapies with herbal pouches, compresses and pastes enable intensive therapy, tailored to the individual constitution and complaints of the animal.

The eLearning course uses many illustrative videos to show Ayurvedic massage and therapy techniques, tailored to the individual constitution and complaints of dogs, cats and horses. Building on this, the holistic therapy methods for treating the musculoskeletal system from the perspective of Ayurvedic medicine are explained in detail and demonstrated in practice.

2) Practice of Ayurveda massage and manual therapy for animals

Practical practice and application under professional guidance

This course teaches the various Ayurvedic massage techniques and holistic forms of treatment of the musculoskeletal system in practice.
Learn to adapt your massage and form of therapy to the animal and apply them successfully in practice:
- Try out and apply massage techniques, herbal stamp massage and energy pathway stretching directly on horses and dogs.
- Select suitable oils and massage techniques specifically for the animal and coordinate further treatment options.
- Application and form of therapy using Matra-Bastis and Niruha-Bastis (enemas).

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Choose your date for "Practice of Ayurveda massage and manual therapy for animals"

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Further information about "Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals"


- Know the basics of manual therapy
- Know the nadis and marma points and their effects
- How plants can also have an external effect
- Local therapies with oils, ointments and compresses
- Decoctions for external use
- Pindas (herbal stamps) and shastika (rice stamps)
- Piccus and bastis (oil baths)
- Shiddha Marma (local marma point massage)
- Type-specific massage techniques for dogs, cats and horses, cat and horse
- Ayurveda therapy concepts for the treatment of tendons, ligaments, injuries, chronic joint diseases and muscular complaints of the musculoskeletal system

For whom?

Ayurveda animal health coaches, animal or horse/dog physiotherapists, osteopaths, movement therapists, animal healers, Ayurveda massage practitioners who want to align their therapy on the movement part individually, holistically and Ayurvedically.

Price info

Seminar fee from € 540

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

List of lessons in the e-Academy online seminar

Learn the basics of Ayurvedic massage and manual therapy for animals: With extensive basic knowledge about oils and treatment techniques as well as precise instructions and demo videos, we show you how to apply Ayurvedic therapy methods to dogs, cats and horses in practice.

At the end, you can try out your new practical skills directly and test and deepen your theoretical knowledge with a learning check.

eSeminar "Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals" with 33 lessons, videos, Learning quiz and accompanying webinars from the Rosenberg eAcademy

MMT 1 - Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals
- Introduction to Ayurveda for animals - for manual therapy
- Manual therapy basics
- External applications of plant components
- Nadis and Marmas

MMT 2 - Ayurvedic oils and salts - Ayurvedic manual therapy for animals Ayurvedic oils and ointments for external use on animals
- Base oils and fats
- Medicated oils
- Medicated ghees
- Local oil applications
- Ointments and compresses

MMT 3 - Manual therapeutic special applications Manual therapeutic special applications
- Pindas (herbal stamps)
- Shastikas (rice stamps)
- Piccu and Basti (oil baths)
- Siddha Marma (local marma point massage)massage)
- Matra and Niruha Basti (enemas)

MMT 4 - Ayurvedic massage for dogs
- Basis of Ayurvedic massage for dogs
- Therapy for Vata dogs
- Therapy for Pitta dogsdogs
- Therapy for Kapha dogs

MMT 5 - Ayurveda massage for cats
- Basis of Ayurveda massage for cats
- Therapy for Vata cats
- Therapy for Pitta cats
- Therapy for Kapha cats MMT 6 - Ayurveda massage for cats - Therapy for Pitta cats - Therapy for Kapha catscats

MMT 6 - Ayurveda massage for horses
- Basis of Ayurveda massage for horses
- Therapy for Vata horses
- Therapy for Pitta horses
- Therapy for Kapha horses

MMT 7 - Holistic treatments for the musculoskeletal system Holistic treatments for the musculoskeletal system
- Holistic therapy in the sense of Ayurveda
- Treatment of the musculoskeletal system according to classical Ayurveda
- Excretory procedures as therapy for the musculoskeletal system
- Treatment of muscular complaints
- Treatment of chronic complaints
- Treatment of tendon and ligament injuries
- Treatment of fractures and frissures

Learning check

Learning check

This seminar concludes with a learning check in our digital eAcademy platform. With the help of multiple choice questions, you check whether you have achieved the learning objectives of this course. You can complete the learning check up to three times and if you get at least 70% of the answers correct, you have passed.

After the successful learning check, you will reap the rewards of your work: your certificate of attendance will be sent to you by email and is also available for you to download from the learning platform.

Further information about "Practice of Ayurveda massage and manual therapy for animals"


- Type-appropriate and therapeutic selection of massage type, oil or herbs for your animal patient
- Ayurvedic massage by hand and with Pinda (herbal stamp) for horses and dogs
- Energy point massage
- Holistic treatment of the musculoskeletal system using enemas


Porträt Theresa Rosenberg
Theresa Sita Rosenberg

Price info

Seminar fee from € 375

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

Term paper

This practical module ends with a term paper on an Ayurveda topic of your choice (dog, cat or horse). You will carry out a documented Ayurvedic massage/manula therapy, which you will submit to the lecturer.

If you are successful, you will reap the rewards of your work: your certificate of attendance will be sent to you by email and is also available for you to download from the learning platform.

At a glance

For all included seminars

Required prior knowledge:

Total scope

Total seminar fee from € 915
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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