Ayurveda basics: Constitution and Healing

Study the therapeutic approaches of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is known for its holistic and individual therapeutic approach. The aim of this 2nd part of the Ayurveda basic course is to understand this in all its diversity and complexity. In addition to the 1st part of the basic course - concepts and disease factors (ABK), you will now learn the practical approaches and methods of Ayurvedic healing and therapy.

The focus of this seminar is on Ayurvedic treatment methods, which are individually tailored to the constitution with its physical and psychological aspects. Using a wealth of examples, the seminar relates to practical everyday questions and situations and provides orientation for a healthier lifestyle that is tailored to your own needs.

You will learn how to determine your Ayurvedic constitution and receive a sound introduction to the diagnostic procedures and therapeutic methods of Ayurvedic medicine. This will give you an overview of the overall structure and ancient Indian science and an understanding of the holistic and individual approach of Ayurvedic therapy methods.

The basic course is the basis for further training at the European Academy of Ayurveda. It consists of two parts (concepts and disease factors (ABK) and constitution and medicine (ABH), which provide you with knowledge and orientation for your further path with Ayurveda. Comprehensive accompanying material complements the professional teaching.

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Further information


- Concept of constitution (prakrti) in theory and practice
- Symptomatology: symptoms of the dhatus, malas and srotas
- Introductory diagnostics: models of patient examination (rogi-pariksha): three-fold, six-fold and eight-fold examination
- Health maintenance (svasthavrtta) in Ayurveda: Daily routine measures (dinacarya) and seasonal recommendations (rtucarya)
- Introduction to Ayurvedic nutrition, general dietary rules, Ayurvedic food science
- Disease treatment in Ayurveda: basic therapeutic approaches
- Introduction to the concept of internal cleansing (pancakarma)

For whom?

This seminar is suitable for anyone interested in Ayurveda


Dr. Shivenarain Gupta Porträt
Prof. Dr. Shivenarain Gupta
Porträt Oliver Becker
Oliver Becker
Kerstin Rosenberg Porträt
Kerstin Rosenberg

Price info

Seminar fee from € 520

Please note the price information for the respective module dates.

plus accommodation and meals - only for attendance dates in Birstein

Guest houses are available on the campus of the European Academy of Ayurveda. You can choose from rooms of different categories for your overnight stay during the training. Ayurvedic full board from our organic kitchen is included in the room price.

Final payment

By invoice: Due 14 days before the start of the seminar

List of lessons in the e-Academy online seminar

Learn where and when you want! That is the motto of our eAcademy modules. Based on a varied eBook, they allow you to learn the various content in a fun way. Various videos, audios and a knowledge database allow you to immerse yourself in the topics. It will be exciting!

At the end, you will know just as much - and perhaps even a little more - as you would if you attended a face-to-face event. That's because we've included some videos from our symposium collection as bonus material in this online training course. And with the help of a learning check, you can test and secure your new knowledge and acquired skills.

Table of contents of the e-seminar

1 - The constitutional theory of Ayurveda
- Ayurveda and constitution
- The constitutional types
- Prakriti - the basic physical constitution
- Manasa - the mental constitution the mental constitution
- Vikriti - the actual constitution
- Practice of constitution determination

2 - Introduction to Ayurvedic diagnostics
- The clinical examination in Ayurveda
- Nadi & Jihva - Examination methods in detail
- Viewing and diagnosing diseases holistically
- Linga - clinical findings and symptoms
- Bala - the strength of the patient
- Further diagnostic criteria and practical examples

3 - Aushadha - therapeutic measures of Ayurveda
- The specialties of Ayurveda
- Therapeutic approaches of Ayurveda
- External cleansing methods
- Internal cleansing methods through Pancakarma
- Internal cleansing through medicinal plants

4 - Pancakarma
- Pancakarma - the purgative therapies of Ayurveda
- The five purgative therapies
- Therapeutic and clinical application of Pancakarma

5 - Svasthavritta - prevention and health strengthening
- Svasthavritta - health-preserving measures
- Dinacarya - routine measures
- Ritucarya - seasonal recommendations
- Ahara and Vihara - healthy diet and lifestyle and lifestyle
- Rasayana - rejuvenating measures
- Vajikarana - aphrodisiac measures
- Yoga in the context of Ayurveda

6 - Ayurvedic nutrition and food science
- Nutritional science and rules in Ayurveda
- Type-appropriate nutrition for dosha balancing
- Food science of Ayurveda
- Ayurvedic nutrition as therapy

- Module learning check

Learning check

This seminar concludes with a learning check in our digital eAcademy platform. With the help of multiple choice questions, you check whether you have achieved the learning objectives of this course. You can complete the learning check up to three times and if you get at least 70% of the answers correct, you have passed.

After the successful learning check, you will reap the rewards of your work: your certificate of attendance will be sent to you by email and is also available for you to download from the learning platform.

At a glance

Required prior knowledge:

3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs presence
3 Days 45 learning hrs of which 22,5 hrs live-webinar
39 Lessons 45 learning hrs of which 5 hrs live-webinar

from € 520
Plus board and lodging if applicable

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